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Andy Ball (Lerxst)

Poles over the Briney

Hawker Hurricane Mk.I
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)
No. 501 (City of Gloucester) Sqn. V7234 / SD-A (Sgt. Antoni Glowacki)
Augusztus 1940
June 5, 2020
July 31, 2020
Eltöltött idő:


Teljes készletek
Hurricane Mk I
Arma Hobby 1:72
70019 2018 Új eszköz
Hurricane camo scheme A
Eduard 1:72
CX422 2015 Új eszköz


43 képek
"Rock You Like a Hurricane" (or possibly just build you)View album, image #38
1:72 Hurricane Mk I (Arma Hobby 70019)1:72 Hurricane camo scheme A (Eduard CX422)

Ennek a része Gyűjtemények

Battle of Britain
Befejezve 7×
WW2 Aircraft
Ötletek 1×Folyamatban 1×Befejezve 36×


1 20 October 2019, 15:59
Łukasz Gliński
Another interesting topic
 25 October 2019, 11:15
Andy Ball Szerző
it will be, when I get around to it!....
 26 October 2019, 19:37
Łukasz Gliński
I know that feeling😉 Maybe we should start a sync build then?😉
 26 October 2019, 20:01
Andy Ball Szerző
Excellent idea!
 26 October 2019, 22:26
Łukasz Gliński
Alright, however I have to buy the kit and decals first 🙂
 27 October 2019, 07:59
Maciej Bellos
In whenever it starts!
 27 October 2019, 08:01
Łukasz Gliński
@Maciej: Wanna join us?😉
 27 October 2019, 09:03
Andy Ball Szerző
oh boy, I've started something now.....
 27 October 2019, 14:15
Łukasz Gliński
Another groupbuild you mean? 😄
 27 October 2019, 15:14
Gary Kitchen
Hi Andy. Revell do a Spitfire Vb kit that comes with markings for Jan Zumbach. Admittedly it's post-BoB but would fit your Poles over the Brinney theme. Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb (Revell 03897, 1:72)

 11 May 2020, 08:34
Andy Ball Szerző
@Gary, it's not intended to be BoB per se, any brave Polish pilots flying will suffice!! Will give the heads-up as and when we start?....
 11 May 2020, 11:25
Taking a seat...
 11 May 2020, 17:47
Maciej Bellos
About joining in, my Spit has a Pole in it, it is 4 years after BoB in Belgium however.
 11 May 2020, 18:33
Andy Ball Szerző
To qualify: your Polish pilot has had to have flown over the English Channel/la Manche (hence 'Briney'), oh, OK...we'll allow the North Sea too!
 11 May 2020, 18:35
Maciej Bellos
Well, Aleksander Gabszewicz  served in the ranks of No. 607 Squadron RAF and No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron before being transferred to 316 Polish Fighter Squadron and later was the commanding officer. I suppose he qualifies.

Only thing is to retrieve the Spit from the shelf of doom. What is the time frame for our builds?
 11 May 2020, 18:47
Łukasz Gliński
I have to admit I didn't get the meaning of "Briney"...|
Thanks Maciej for your inputs, I'm more into planes than their pilots😉
 11 May 2020, 20:04
Andy Ball Szerző
Łukasz , I don't know if Monty Python is understood in Poland, but they did a fantastic sketch about RAF 'banter' or slang if you will: one of the RAF officers mentions "cabbage crates over the briney", ( I guess meaning the Luftwaffe were coming over the sea), to which the other officer states " don't understand your banter, squadron leader. It's hilarious, trust me!
 11 May 2020, 20:13
Łukasz Gliński
Mkay, I have to admit it's really hard to understand the Monty Python unless you're a native speaker. And the local subtitles (or the infamous Polish lector) sound completely different😉
But I found a transcript and I can say I moreless get the sketch 🙂
 11 May 2020, 20:21
Andy Ball Szerző
There's more I *could* do and *should* do: but I declare her complete.
 31 July 2020, 19:09
Well done. Congrats!
 1 August 2020, 17:50