Iliouchine Il-2
E.C.P Phenix | N. | 1:48

Prodotti correlati
Detail and Conversion sets
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QP48008 2022 Nuovo stampo 
WWII Russian Fighter Seats with Belts for IL-2, LaGG-3, La-5, La-5FN, I-16 early
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BR48085 2015 Nuovo stampo Argomento multiplo (5)
Rubber wheels 1/48 for IL-2
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Ilyushin IL-2 Stormovik Wheel Set - circumferential tread
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48094 Progettato per: Unknown

Il-2 field modified turret
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Ilyushin Il-2 Control Surfaces
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Il-2m3 Schturmowik
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Il-2 Schturmowik
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Stormovik IL-2 wooden wings / straight
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Ilyushin Il-2m3 wheel set
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Ilyushin Il-2 wheel set
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48078 Decals
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Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik Single Seater
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D48049 Figures
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Russian WW2 Attack Pilot Figure for IL-2 Sturmovik
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480 228 Masks
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Il-2 Wheel Hub Masks
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CEBM48105 Nameplates
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Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Ил-2 Штурмови́к "Il-2 Shturmovik" in Cyrillic Model Monkey 1:48
np-Il-2 Cyrillic-2 2020 Nuovo stampo