1905 Reo Runabout
Fador | N. | 1:16

I fatti
- Marca:
- Fador
- Titolo:
- 1905 Reo Runabout Smallster
- Scala:
- 1:16
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 1949 Nuovo stampo
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- 1905 Reo Runabout » Autovetture (Veicoli)

Nessuno dei nostri negozi partner o membri ce l'ha in vendita in questo momento.
Recensioni in-box
Revisioni esterne
Non sappiamo se vi siano recensioni per questo (kit) 1905 Reo Runabout (#) da Fador.

Anyone willing to make a copy of this kit's instruction sheets and plans for me?
14 September 2019, 18:06

There's one (or more) of these for sale on that famous auction site. Contact the vendor and see if they will photograph the instructions for you and send them to your on-site inbox. I say this because I have done it myself and it worked (after crafting a nicely worded letter). If you get them, post the instructions to Scalemates
20 September 2024, 22:32

Anyone willing to make a copy of this kit's instruction sheets and plans for me?
14 September 2019, 18:06