Ford Escort MKII RS2000 slant front
Bodyshell, windows & drivers platform without heads (for slotcar conversion)
Highway32 | N. 0 | 1:32

I fatti
- Marca:
- Highway32
- Titolo:
- Ford Escort MKII RS2000 slant front Bodyshell, windows & drivers platform without heads (for slotcar conversion)
- Numero:
- 0
- Scala:
- 1:32
- Digita:
- Set di dettagli
- Messo in commercio:
- 198x Nuovo stampo
- Argomento:
- Ford Escort (1975-1980) » Autovetture (Veicoli)
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Materiale di riferimento

Sporting Mk2 Escorts The Originality Guide to the Sporting Variants of the Ford E...
Dan Williamson