StarfighterMatchbox | N. PK-28 | 1:72Progetti24 immaginiF-104 1/72 Matchbox Build Group - retro-modelling 1:72Progetto: Starfighter Matchbox 1/72 Retro-modelling1+4 immaginiMatchbox Starfighter German F-1041:72Progetto: Matchbox Starfighter2 immaginiCanadair CF-104 Starfighter1:72Progetto: Lockheed F-104 Starfighter28 immaginiMy Childhood Builds1:25Finally - After 4 years searching eBay, bidding unsuccessfully on the three or 4 that came up, even built ones, I have r...Progetto: My Childhood Builds27+5 immagini Canadair (Lockheed) CF-104G Starfighter1:72Progetto: Lockheed (Canadair) CF-104G Starfighter [CA]