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Discussione iniziata da blarfblarf

Stein Aasland
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
5 immagini
Berlin 1945View album, image #1
Progetto: Berlin 1945
1:35 T-34/85 Mod.1944 (Dragon 6319)1:35 T-34/85 Mod. 1944 (Voyager Model PE35124)1:35 T-34/85 (Friulmodel ATL-09)
20 12 November 2023, 17:12
Rui S
Well done 👍
 14 November 2023, 20:57
Cool! I love the idea of the panther wheeldiscs used as spares on the T 34
 23 September 2024, 21:49
Mr James
What a great scene. Excellent work on the T-34 and love the work that has gone into the rubble.
 23 September 2024, 23:30
Alexander Grivonev
so atmospheric, very good 👍
 24 September 2024, 03:13
Good dio and good photos! 👍
 24 September 2024, 08:30
Brian Eberle
Very nice.
 24 September 2024, 11:25

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