database di modelli in scala | gestore della mia scorta

Discussione iniziata da MavrE

Александр Силаев
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
26 6 December 2023, 19:26
Excellent !
 6 December 2023, 23:10
Michael Kohl
 6 December 2023, 23:23
Dacia Tank
what figures are those?
 6 December 2023, 23:50
Mr James
Excellent work. The camo painting is spot on. the weathering brilliant and the figure is beautifully done. I particularly the wear and tear on the barrel
 6 December 2023, 23:51
I agree with everyone above.
 7 December 2023, 08:54
Александр Силаев Autore
Thank you all guys very much! Figures are resin copies from aliexpress(original cast mostly from US are very hard to get here, especially now).Commander - with Hornet head.
1  7 December 2023, 09:23
 1 February, 13:20
Beautiful work. The weathering looks amazing.
 1 February, 14:07
Wow! Simply… WOW!
 1 February, 14:48

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