Discussione iniziata da _th84_

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
112 14 December 2023, 18:21

Thanks, Thomas 🙏 it really turned out heavy used …
14 December 2023, 19:53

@Neuling: thanks! I was not planned to be that heavy weathered, but I had so much fun during the weathering process so I couldn´t resist to make it that weathered.
15 December 2023, 10:59

@Michael: thanks, first time working with NMF, struggled and learned a lot, but I´m happy with the final result ... I will definitely build another P51, but from a more detailed kit.
15 December 2023, 11:39

I was playing around making some videos and I wanted to share this with you as I like it 😉 Youtube Video

26 January 2024, 12:55

Thanks @Jennifer ☺️ a bit heavy but maybe it looked like that one day …
26 January 2024, 18:54

Love it Thomas! Now tell me what kind of color you used for the silver one? 😄 coz look superb !!!
1 February 2024, 13:08

The weathering was actually very nicely done - IMHO. The chipping isn't overboard, and the staining from the gunports and exhausts look good to me. Very nicely done!
1 February 2024, 15:24

Excellent job, Thomas! I love the final result with all the weathering. I just finished my first NMF on an Eduard P-51D myself, so I can relate to the journey.
1 February 2024, 16:14

@Lukas: Thanks for your lovely words ☺️ I used AK Xtreme Metal polished aluminum and white aluminum. Polished aluminum on a high gloss black primer from AMMO. If you are interested in the single steps of the build you can check out here: MENG P-51D FULL BUILD SINGLE STEPS | Album by _th84_ (1:48)
@ CaptGPF: thank you so much for your feedback. I personally don´t like the stains from the gunports ... They are too dark and too big, but the result on the exhaust stains surprised me on the other hand - better than expected 😆
@Casey: thanks! I appreciate your feedback. For me it was sometimes horrible ... I don´t have much experience at modeling at all and choosing a NMF as a beginner is maybe not the best idea I had so far 😆😆
1 February 2024, 17:14

Beginner?! Hardly. Give yourself more credit. I understand how NMF intimidated us both, but your skills are well beyond beginner.
2 February 2024, 01:39

@Casey: I´m a bit overwhelmed and blushing ... I´m always very self critical to push myself for the next build ... but as this is my third finished build, I will still call myself a beginner for a longer time. 🙃
2 February 2024, 12:30

Thomas, I don't know any modeler who is satisfied with his finished model. But your modesty and excessive self-criticism are not appropriate. And the fact that I'm not the only one who thinks so is proven by the award your model has won.
Congratulations! 👍
I always like to look at your other models.
20 March 2024, 08:17

Many thanks and thank you for your very kind words, Ludvik. I appreciate that a lot. I will try to be less self-critic ... 😄
20 March 2024, 14:21

Vielen Dank @Hans-Jürgen @Christian … wollte sie eigentlich garnicht zeigen, daher kam das mehr als überraschend 🤷♂️
30 March 2024, 18:05

Thomas, great job! Love the weathering and staining.You have inspired me to build a Mustang 👍😊
17 June 2024, 22:39

@Pietro: many thanks - appreciate your feedback! @BetterTimes: thank you so much - very happy that this build inspires you … I will upload a few better pics here, because the existing ones are made with the iPhone and meanwhile I have better pictures. Just in case you are looking for some references 🤷♂️
18 June 2024, 07:21

Album is updated - just to let you know I learned that I made some mistakes in this build so this one is not 100% accurate: this type of P-51 has no antenna and the data panel on the right side is wrong (it was only left side somehow covered by Angels Playmate decal partially). This P-51 was my third scale model and I didn´t really spend a lot of time in doing a proper research. All the best for your P-51 ✌
18 June 2024, 07:36