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72 20 February 2024, 09:05

Privjet Alexey, very nice Грач you have achived there👏 Any obstacles with the Zvesda kit build? I also have it with a lot of extras waiting for getting build. It is very high on my to do list, just desperataly looking for ARMA´s Su-25SM/SM3 conversion set which is not available here in the west.
Best Regards
21 February 2024, 17:23

Black_Sheep Hi! There are no particular difficulties during construction. In some places it didn't fit very well, but nothing critical.
I take it you're looking for this conversion kit? arma-models.ru/catal..versiya_su_25sm_sm3/
22 February 2024, 09:00

Yes its this one also here at scalemates Conversion kit Su-25SM/SM3 (Arma Models AM48156, 1:48) I have no clue if Russian airforce use different models at the moment or if they all are alreadey upgraded to SM3 standart? I tried to get this kit but sadly its impossible for me to get kits from Russia to Germany. Damned sanctions...
22 February 2024, 16:35