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Discussione iniziata da Themongoose

Chris Vandegrift
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
24 27 July 2024, 02:45
Looks like a very interesting project!
 6 August 2024, 07:32
Christian W
I'm watching.
 25 November 2024, 06:36
Marcel Klemmer
Interesting project 👍
 25 November 2024, 06:49
Ben M
 26 November 2024, 02:36
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work on this very unusual and interesting subject so far.
 26 November 2024, 03:46
Ben M
I read online that the different levels are painted different shades, I had no idea.
 29 November 2024, 22:19
Chris Vandegrift Autore
I also found it odd they make it darker as they go up. 3 different shades overall. I always thought colors looked darker the further way they were. That's why it surprised me because this would make it look even darker the way they did it.
 29 November 2024, 23:37
Perhaps the intention was to make it look even taller than it was.
1  30 November 2024, 08:02
Chris Vandegrift Autore
Ahhhh, good thought!! That makes sense 👍
 30 November 2024, 23:11
Ben M
I find myself wondering if the apartment at the top had plumbing.
 1 December 2024, 19:49

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