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Discussione iniziata da Shyzer

Shane Hodgetts
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
21 16 October 2024, 04:03
Gary Victory
Really nice build and finish Shane. Top Job Sir.
 16 October 2024, 06:24
I agree.
 16 October 2024, 09:00
Beautiful work!
 16 October 2024, 09:05
Shane Hodgetts Autore
Cheers all…appreciate the kind words…😉👍
 16 October 2024, 21:15
Snake Plissken
Finish looks legit; is that a semi-gloss or satin coat? Sometimes model planes have too much of a flat or matte finish.
 16 October 2024, 21:47
Shane Hodgetts Autore
Cheers…legit is what we're all looking for…😉👍
I used the Mr.Hobby semi gloss rattle can just before applying the decals…then weathering on top. Was going to hit it with a flat coat but kinda thought it looked "legit" as is…😁👍
 17 October 2024, 06:15
Desert Marlin
Excellent finish!
 17 October 2024, 20:09
Rui S
Beautifully done, indeed 👍
 17 October 2024, 22:06
Shane Hodgetts Autore
Cheers guys…😉👍
 18 October 2024, 04:56

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