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Discussione iniziata da dexigoodchild

Dexi Goodchild
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
22 immagini
Pride TanksView album, image #20
I actually think I did a good job, I used liquid mask to build the camo - the base colour was pink, then 3 coats of whit...
26 19 October 2024, 10:32
Good to see a different take on camo. 😄 😄 😄
I like the Cromwell, it looks psychedelic.
Doing a pink T34 is still on my to-do list.
 19 October 2024, 10:59
Peter Hardy
That's awesome! Love it!
 19 October 2024, 11:13
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Thanks gorby, thanks Peter! Appreciate it! They were fun and yep I want to do a 'proper' winter camo one now too! A few more Pride flags left too! Loads of cheap to buy 'Vintage Classic' tanks I see, so I'll do a few more... 😉
 19 October 2024, 15:38
LucLuke B
Way to go!
 20 October 2024, 19:01
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Cheers! I appreciate it!
 21 October 2024, 22:22
Ben M
Creative, I like it!
 21 October 2024, 22:29
Kesa Tiho
Being gay myself i can enjoy some pride every once in a while. Though i still dont understand how people are proud but none of my business. Great builds and weathering
 21 October 2024, 23:39
Kesa Tiho
Dude... I just brought it up because its PRIDE tanks. Which have GAY flags on them. And i dont even make being gay a part of my personality if you mean by that in the "it gets old having to see this brought up in every aspect of our society" infact i try to hide it because i similarly dont like people who make their sexuality a part of their personality. In my message legitimately 3 words were about me being gay. And you cant tell me "oh pride is everywhere its so overwhelming" well it isnt for me. I havent seen a drop of pride or even a gay person in estonia for at least 8 years, even on the internet the most pride i see is my boyfriend posting a pride tiktok.
If your so angry about some people mentioning they're gay then maybe its time to go outside and touch some grass
 22 October 2024, 08:04
Andrei Ionut Roman
@Rick P Nobody here really cares about your opinion. Why dont you go to make your own group with your people in it and leave people enjoy this hobby and what they like/want. Its a model he built, on his time, with his money and so on. He can paint it whatever the f he wants, ITS AN HOBBY. Nobody forced this on you or anything else so you can just keep your frustration to yourself. Seriously, let people enjoy what they want. If its something you dont like, you can scroll away and so on. Peace. Let people enjoy what they like.
 22 October 2024, 08:39
I see loads of models of half naked women on Scalemates which to me is suggesting a sexual preference. I haven't seen you complain about those Rick. I don't like the models depicting young girls in provocative clothing. I don't complain about them because that would highlight the thing I don't like by sending it to the top of the newsfeed.
Gay was mentioned once before your comment and this is the first time I can remember 'Pride' colours being used on a model shown on Scalemates, so it's not exactly taking over is it?
If you don't like David's post, try ignoring it.
If you want to reply to my comment PM me.
1  22 October 2024, 08:53
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Thanks for the positive comments everyone. I could delete Rick P's comment, but I don't like censorship, as a queer person I've been censored a lot in my life so I don't think I want to play that game. I will say that it's interesting that Rick thinks he has the right to express his opinions in whatever way suits him, but us queers should shut up and 'stay in the bedroom..' Nah mate, you're OK, I'll do what I want, you do what you want, it's a free country and all that.
2  22 October 2024, 08:55
Robert Podkoński
Cool stuff, David. BTW:
 22 October 2024, 09:14
Dexi Goodchild Autore
gorby, thank you for that I agree with you, and isn't there a company that make strange Japanese hentai style schoolgirl figures in sexualised poses? I admit I thought this album might attract some contempt but I was a bit surprised anyone would bother to actually express that in the comments, I mean, if you don't want to see it, don't look, it's simple enough. I have no intention of bringing sexual imagery into it, and the first person to talk about that was the person who is so annoyed with this, so that's a bit strange. Anyway, the next one will be the Trans flag, and I will be adding photos here... And Robert, thanks, that is so cool, I am definitely considering doing a tank biathlon diorama now!!
 22 October 2024, 09:30
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Oh, and @Roman Ionut cheers mate! 👍😎
 22 October 2024, 10:32
Ben M
Some more prototypes:



 22 October 2024, 12:06
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Thanks @Ben M, these are fantastic and great inspiration, as well as a justification, were one needed (and it is not) for doing tanks in pink and other non-traditional colours... The first one had me a bit shocked for a minute and then I realised it was a middle finger, not something else! Excellent, cheers! 😎🤣
 22 October 2024, 12:42
😄 😄 😄
 22 October 2024, 12:59
Ben M
Last one, I promise.
 22 October 2024, 13:02
Dexi Goodchild Autore
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't stop on my account, they're great! Life is stranger than fiction blah blah and all that! 😎
 22 October 2024, 14:23
Robert Podkoński
Even more psychodelic:
Youtube Video
 22 October 2024, 14:58
Dexi Goodchild Autore
I will never watch the WRC again!
 22 October 2024, 16:27
Robert Podkoński
😄 😄 😄
 22 October 2024, 16:43
Thomas Bischoff
sorry Rick - either keep your thoughts private or phrase it in a non offending way
1  22 October 2024, 21:47
fully agree with Thomas
 22 October 2024, 22:25
Sebastian Meyner
@David: Interesting take 😎 and nicely executed 👍
@Rick P: I'm with basically everybody else. SCM is not the place for your "thoughts"..... if we are kind enough to call it that. You're promoting some dark sh**, that shouldn't have a place here or anywhere else really.
 22 October 2024, 23:09
All I can say is, great models, interesting camo and thank you for sharing.

If you don't like it this single post: there is a hide button
If you feel it is taking over: BS!!

And always free to leave!

👍 end of discussion. (I want no reply unless it is about the models)

4  23 October 2024, 05:26
Ben M
These just keep getting better. I have an armored car I want to build that has 5 color camo.
1  7 January, 03:48
I agree with Ben although the DUKW is my favourite. 👍
1  7 January, 06:47
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Thanks Ben, thanks gorby! I think the Sherman shows I'm getting better, and more imaginative, which is fun. I think the DUKW is my favourite too, but I think that's partly because it looks like one of the ones that used to go around Salthouse dock in Liverpool (until 2 sank!), which means I get Magical Mystery Tour vibes... 😇
2  7 January, 11:18
Alex K
David's last comment got me wondering and looking for such DUKWs - what interesting modelling subjects these would make!
2  7 January, 18:33
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Nice idea! 👍🥰
1  7 January, 18:53
Michael Kohl
Well, not a tank, but I am pretty sure you like it (model and original):
TS-11 Iskra "Tęcza 25" | Album by MikeVolkov (1:72)

@gorby: if looking for a pink tank you might like this:

DUKW is my favourite too 🙂

Have fun and happy modelling
2  7 January, 19:21
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Thank you Hans-Jürgen!👍
 7 January, 22:05
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Wow, that plane looks fantastic, what a great job, thanks for the link Michael! The girl's face is superb, a real work of art! Love it! 😍
 7 January, 22:06
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Oh by the way, that tank isn't there (Pages Walk/Mandela Way) anymore is it? I think it's just an empty space now... Shame! It changed colours a lot over the years...
 7 January, 22:15
Michael Kohl
I heard rumours that it will be refurbished. But that was a while ago when I dived into this subject (and build it...) and the tank could be seen on Google Earth and Streetview.
1  8 January, 16:33
I've just checked, the street view from 2021 still shows the tank but the satellite view from 2025 show the site vacant. The Wiki entry for the tank says:
It was removed for restoration by its owner, on 4 January 2022, who said that "it might be a week, it might be two years". In an interview the next year, the owner said he was unsure if the tank would ever be returned to the corner, as the graffiti did not respect "its value as a piece of military history"
1  8 January, 16:48
Dexi Goodchild Autore
Ah, thanks, I couldn't find that, but it sounds like it may well not be coming back, which is a bit of a shame...
 8 January, 19:40

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