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Discussione iniziata da Barry S

Barry Smith
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
9 27 October 2024, 04:36
Martin Oostrom
Great build! I can't believe you built it oob
 27 October 2024, 08:27
Barry Smith Autore
Hi Martin,

Thank you

Not all out of box - added a few key bits (mainly from Papyhobby) and a fair amount of scratch building.
 27 October 2024, 08:33
Michael Kohl
Pretty yellow. Which color did you use? Are you going to weather it?
 27 October 2024, 09:01
Martin Oostrom
I thought I recognised the Papy stuff 😁
 27 October 2024, 09:40
Barry Smith Autore
Michael, it is Old Cat Yellow which I had mixed up. I am going to keep it showroom new. 😎
 27 October 2024, 11:57
Those additions certainly make the difference! Excellent build mate, well done!
 27 October 2024, 13:36

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