Discussione iniziata da Johannes Schendlinger

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
56 23 December 2024, 18:44

Here are the first impressions of my current project. The F3H-2M Demon from Hobby Boss. I also install an Aries cockpit and Aries electronics bays.
23 December 2024, 18:57

Happy new year mates!😊 Here are some new impressions of my build.
1 January, 16:43

Welcome Robert, thanks for your interest.
Today I assembled the wings and the fuselage. The fit is mediocre, here some Acrylic Putty will help.
1 6 January, 16:51

Following. I have the same model in my stash so I'm very interested in your final result. So far it looks very nice 🙂
2 14 January, 08:11

Thank you Maciej, nice to have you there. It's fun to build, the kit is fine. However, there are some areas that require a bit more attention, which means the fit is worse than what I'm used to from Hobbyboss.
14 January, 09:18

Thank you, so far I´m pretty happy with the outcome. Next step is some weathering.
1 7 February, 16:26

Thanks Michael. For me it's always fascinating to see, how the individual pieces come together in the end.
1 12 February, 11:54

Hello mates, today I completed the Demon, Here are some pictures of the final result.
1 16 February, 18:48

I usually don't like when planes are deprived of their smooth and elegant lines by opening all kinds of panels, but your is definitely a nice and good model. Well done
2 16 February, 21:12

Thanks a lot guys!
@Michael: The main reason I display the wings in the folded position as often as possible is to save cabinet space. Aesthetically, it hurts a lot, especially with the Demon 😂
1 17 February, 12:31