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arne vd burg
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
13 immagini
BV 222 WikingView album, image #2
Progetto: BV 222 Wiking
1:72 Blohm & Voss BV222 "Wiking" (Revell 04383)1:72 German WWII Luftwaffe Swastikas (Xtradecal X72-036)1:72 Blohm & Voss BV 222 V-2 Wiking (KV Models 72927)
28 26 January, 12:19
arne vd burg Autore
Finished the paintwork and Started with the decals.
 26 January, 12:25
Looks great
1  26 January, 13:06
Fantastic painting job. I think this beauty deserves a water base.

1  19 February, 20:36
Very nice
1  19 February, 20:44
Thomas Bischoff
love your paint job 👍
1  19 February, 21:16
Rui S
Wow, Beautiful work 👍
1  19 February, 22:35
David R. Meizoso
Gun turrets on the wings? 6 engines? This beast is colossal! Astounding work so far!
1  19 February, 23:29
arne vd burg Autore
Thanks guys. Have to ad a few small things and then its done. Better pictures will follow.
1  24 February, 18:47

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