database di modelli in scala | gestore della mia scorta

Discussione iniziata da Frankie B

Frank Brzobohaty
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
11 20 February, 17:32
Fantastic cockpit and interieur! Where are the 3d printed parts from?
 20 February, 17:41
Frank Brzobohaty Autore
Cults 3d scaled down from 1/35
1  20 February, 17:46
Frank Brzobohaty Autore
Andrés Fernández Lucena thanks for the folded rotor head STL file.
 20 February, 17:47
Well done
 20 February, 19:46
Frank Brzobohaty Autore
Sonobuoy dispenser and rotor stands are my own attempt at 3d modeling, need a better program and more skills.
 21 February, 19:00

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