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Discussione iniziata da _th84_

Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
23 24 February, 18:37
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Autore
Please read before you judge! This build was done for my son and will be used as a toy! My son once saw a RC Voodoo Mustang and immediately fall in love with it. Keeping asking me to buy it for him, which makes no sense for a 5 year old boy, I decided to build one for him that looks close to the RC plane and not the real one. I chose the cheapest P-51 kit in 1/48 I could find and created this plane based on foto references. Some markings are painted, for some I used decals. Please keep that in mind before you judge ... any comment highly appreciated
 24 February, 18:43
Thomas Bischoff
love the colours 👍
1  24 February, 18:47
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Autore
thx Thomas! The purple turned out a bit too dark, but it´s OK for a toy 😝
 24 February, 18:58
Looks great, but I hope he will be happy even it doesn't fly 😉 It can fly, but only once ....
2  24 February, 19:00
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Autore
Thanks @bughunter 🤩 I'm pretty sure it will fly more than one time … usually he takes care of the builds I do for him. Airwolf is still alive and a way more fragile model 🤷‍♂️
 24 February, 19:13
1  24 February, 20:48
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Autore
thanks @neo! Appreciate it and I´m glad you like it 😊
1  25 February, 07:15
Looks great! You are a good father.👍
1  27 February, 23:12
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Autore
many thanks Henry! It´s OK for a toy I would say. Could be done better but who knows how long it lasts in the hand of a 5 year old lad 😆 I made him very happy and that made me very happy - a win-win for both 😍
1  28 February, 07:37
1  28 February, 07:53
Stefan Fraundorfer
Very cool Thomas! I like your Mustang.
1  28 February, 17:44
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Autore
Thanks mates! Now it's my sons toy and he likes it as well 😍
1  1 March, 09:37

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