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Discussione iniziata da Springbank

Daniel Klink
aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
39 15 March 2019, 17:29
Daniel Klink Autore
Hi mates, accidently deleted (the small x right next to the edit button) this album with all your kind and warm comments, Hints and the building progress😭
 15 March 2019, 17:43
Daniel Klink Autore
Thanks James. Really a pity because i also deleted the pics of the progress on my disk for some reason.
 15 March 2019, 19:16
Christian Bruer
Well deserved to show it again 👍
 15 March 2019, 19:20
Don`t worry Daniel: "Wichtig ist was hinten herauskommt". A wonderful diorama!
 15 March 2019, 19:51
Stephan Ryll
Great work - Great looking dio 👍
 15 March 2019, 20:38
 16 March 2019, 00:30
Clifford Keesler
Very nice.
 16 March 2019, 02:06
Daniel Klink Autore
Thanky you all very much Gentlemen for your kind words, much appreciated. 👍
 16 March 2019, 16:42
Georges henrion
nice job
 18 June 2024, 21:52
Beautiful model and display!
 18 June 2024, 21:56
It is a pleasure to see this wonder again after several years. Fantastic work and very nice result once again, Daniel 👌.
1  19 June 2024, 18:33
Rui S
Another great work 👍 as usual
1  19 June 2024, 21:23
Clifford Keesler
Excellent as always Daniel.
1  3 July 2024, 00:49
 3 July 2024, 07:08
Excellent diorama!
 3 July 2024, 07:12
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  4 March, 05:05
Martin Weinpold
Nice work.
1  4 March, 05:39
Clifford Keesler
Daniel your work always inspires me. I only hope my Japanese aircraft turn out half as good as yours do.
2  4 March, 21:16
Daniel Klink Autore
Thank you all very much mates for your nice and encouraging words.
Clifford mate, that is so nice to read and gives me a big push to recover even more quickly. Thanks mate.
 9 March, 16:01
Clifford Keesler
You are most welcome mate.
 10 March, 00:18
Mark K
 10 March, 01:54

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