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1:72 Boeing 747 SCA with Space Shuttle
The idea for this project started long ago, when I was a kid.. I saw the Boeing 747 with Shuttle on it's back making a f...
Progetto: 1:72 Boeing 747 SCA with Space Shuttle
78 2 May 2020, 22:24

Wow! Shuttle looks great! Where do you display all your big planes?
3 May 2020, 03:05

They discovered that the tail piece for the shuttle wasn't necessary.
That 747 looks like an old Travel agent display
3 May 2020, 03:32

@Gordon: the Shuttle is all white again at this moment.. I removed all decals.
The decals are very bad quality, so I ordered better real-looking tile decals from LakeCountySpacePort in the US.
As I started the Antonov project, my 747 SCA project is on hold at the moment.. I will add more pictures to this album soon, also pictures of the new decals.
3 May 2020, 05:32

@Wilky: that's correct! This is a Skyland 1:72 B747-100, and as it was an oldie and quite damaged I decided to give this Queen a fresh new look😉
3 May 2020, 06:20

Following. After this you'll be a decal expert. You clearly have a vision of what you want to achieve and it takes fortitude to do a re-do at the stage you were at. Applause and a tip of the hat to you.
3 May 2020, 09:17

I saw the original at the Cologne/Bonn airport at the time in my youth, still have the (paper) photos somewhere... This looks very much like I remember! Thanks for the trip on memory lane!😉
3 May 2020, 09:24

@René: Nice😉 ! I saw the original as a kid, during it's one time visit to Europe. It flew by the sea coast here in Holland on it's way to Heathrow, in 1983 I think.. from that moment on I wanted a model of that plane, so beautiful!
That's why I'm making the bare metal version.
3 May 2020, 09:54

What a fantastic project, really nice👍 The decal for the tiles is truly something!
16 June 2020, 08:35

The An-225 build is quite something already, but this is really an epic story - hope it turns out as good as it deserves and all the effort pays off - seems to be well on track for that 👍
17 June 2020, 12:51

Thank you all 🙂 ! I will finish it.. there are some setbacks during the build at the moment so this project is on hold for a while.
19 June 2020, 16:53

Thats big, but an even bigger decal challenge! It will be a great display when completed.
19 June 2020, 18:01

@Alec: Thanks 🙂 !
@Nathan: Yes that's true.. I've never applied so many decals on 1 model. And to think that I've removed them all again 3 months ago...
I bought better and more realistic decals for the Shuttle. It will look much better after that 🙂
But this project is on hold at the moment, I want to build the Antonov first.
19 June 2020, 21:42

It is an old Skyland desktop model. I'm always on the hunt for old damaged Skyland models, because I like to give them an 'overhaul'. Just as my 1:72 Skyland Qantas Boeing 747-100..
I still have 2 747's, 2 DC-10's and 2 A-310's to repair.. But I think I don't have enough time (and space😉😢 for that I think...
19 June 2020, 22:00

amazing project. great to give a second chance (and what a chance!!!) to that 747
19 June 2020, 22:41

Dick, beautiful work Sir, you certainly don't believe in small projects do you..!!? lol. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your next update.
21 June 2022, 06:25

Well Gary, thank you sir but it seems I'm not the only one with an envy for big kits 😉 … I just saw your Lancaster and B-52 projects, very nice! My compliments!
21 June 2022, 08:19

Thank you very much Dick, they are still small fry compared to your work Sir. 😊
22 June 2022, 14:01

Hi Dick, it seems that you made this album "private". Do you know that?
22 June 2022, 19:47

Another great project in God's own scale 👍
I'm only a bit confused by the order of some pictures. But I know, it is sometimes hard to move them (without a block move function).
22 June 2022, 20:48

Yes, i requested that some time ago. I wanted to move 10 pictures of an album, and place them at the beginning of another with about 100. Moving the 10 is ok, but getting them to go to the top of the album one by one would drive me insane...... (more than already am)
22 June 2022, 20:53

@Bughunter: yes, I'm struggling with uploading a lot of photo's at once. It seems the photo's are mixed up afterwards … I'm working on it 😉 , it takes some time to get them chronological.
22 June 2022, 21:36

@Bas Tonn: Thank you!
It's not my biggest project, that was the An-225 😉
22 June 2022, 21:56

Thx! Some time ago I reported a problem with sort during upload and it was fixed. But sometimes I have also the feeling it reappears again under some circumstances? SCM Newsfeed
23 June 2022, 05:10

Great Project! Keep on Running - we all looking forward to see the final out come! 👍
23 June 2022, 05:33

Thank you for the compliments 😉 !
@Karl: I'm going to make an exact copy of my poster, which was the first ferry flight of the Columbia.
The 'bad tiling' (kevlar body plating) that you see on the Shuttle was caused by fallen off tiles during take off (!)..
The US was in a hurry with the Shuttle test program and they didn't want further delay, so they roughly and hastely glued the tiles onto the Shuttle. During take off it literally rained tiles on the runway, hence the ugly appearance of the Shuttle on the poster.
23 June 2022, 15:45

Wow... great job so far, Dick!!
Monogram's shuttle is for another project?
23 June 2022, 18:23

@Cuajete: Yes, that will be another project.. too much kits, too little time 🙂
24 June 2022, 07:06

It's looking great, Dick. The grey areas on the fuselage look perfect. What a huge project?
10 December 2022, 19:58

And remember to use the correct stencils: "Note: Black side down" 😉
10 December 2022, 22:24

😊Thanks mates!
@Bughunter: 😜I just checked the decal sheet but unfortunately it's not provided, only the decals for the 747 without the carriage construction.. it would be a very, very tiny decal!
11 December 2022, 16:58

I'm glad I caught this set of photos today. What a great project and fun idea. Looking forward to following the rest of your work on it.
12 February 2024, 20:24

@Cuajete: Thanks!
Yes, Click2Detail / Titan Model Kits makes much more sturdy parts now.
This gear is strong, so I have confidence it will hold the 747 + Shuttle... I think 😉
12 February 2024, 22:37

Wow! They say the Shuttle is a marvel of engineering - but so is this project! Sitting down with popcorn for this one!
13 February 2024, 14:37

Unbeliveable story - keep going. After all that ups & downs you have deserved to call it done at the end. You have our full attention and respect for the efforts you put into this one 👍.
18 February 2024, 14:41

Wow! You may have to use metallic wheels for that puppy…. The shuttle is going to further tilt that center of gravity back…
6 May 2024, 16:22

Damn! As soon as I saw the models you were working with for this project, I knew you had your work cut out for you. I'm happy to see you keeping on it and hope it turns out the way you want it.
6 May 2024, 18:50

@Bughunter: Indeed… a saga it is 😉!
@CaptGPF: I will use some 'heavy' equipment again, as in my Antonov and Galaxy. I still have some M13 bolts left!
@Cuajete: Thank you, much appreciated 😊!
@Skyhiker: Thanks! I will finish it💪🏻
@Lukasz: Thanks! The Cub has become famous with my big kits as a 'scale-mate'😄, instead of the usual 'banana for scale'..
6 May 2024, 20:51

@Mike Montgomery: Thank you for the compliment! I think I've passed my earlier 'depression' with this kit when everything went worse. This time I see rapid progress, and better results.
6 May 2024, 20:54

You must have a lot of space at home with all those big birds in your collection. Nice stuff.
6 May 2024, 21:07

I read the photo captions like a good novel. Hats off to your tenacity and dedication! I hope you finish this grandiose project.
7 May 2024, 18:05

@Skyhiker: I don't have enough space for all the kits in my stash.. I will have to make a choice which ones to build.
I just like collecting big 1:72 kits😉
7 May 2024, 18:12

You could hang a few birds under the ceiling of your garden shed, but then it would be difficult to use as a paint shop 🙂
7 May 2024, 18:36