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Discussione iniziata da NavyFlyer

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
27 22 February 2021, 17:19
Felix Autore
Underside with AK Real Colors RLM65 completed after preshading.
 2 March 2021, 18:20
Felix Autore
 13 March 2021, 16:42
Clean and careful work!
 14 March 2021, 10:15
Andrea Morris
Are you a member of the SCW FB group?
 5 April 2021, 18:35
Felix Autore
@ Andrea: Nope
 5 April 2021, 19:09
Andrea Morris
Worth a look m8. Good bunch, lots of knowledge to share if SCW is of interest to you.
 5 April 2021, 20:38
Chris Roscoe
@Felix, is that AKRC RLM63 on the upper side?
 24 August 2024, 16:23
Felix Autore
@Chris, yes it is AKRC RLM63 but I don't remember which exact version.
 16 September 2024, 20:18
Chris Roscoe
Have that one, but seems too dark green, might go with MRP's version of RLM63. As it's a lighter green tone.

How did you find masking the black?
 17 September 2024, 05:25

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