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RF-8A over Cuba project

Photo 1 of 35


105 6 January 2024, 14:32
Taking a seat.
 6 January 2024, 16:42
Ahh yeah, raise that wing!
 6 January 2024, 19:39
Bernd Korte
 6 January 2024, 19:42
Me 4!
 13 January 2024, 19:28
Oleg Bogolei
 14 January 2024, 09:24
It's the little things that make it great.
 18 January 2024, 13:25
 18 January 2024, 13:30
These arrived in the mail today partly thanks to your inspiration and recommendation, TV.
 18 January 2024, 16:06
TV_scalemodels Autore
Rando: Nice. I hear plural, did you get both versions too?
 19 January 2024, 14:20
I did, it's my favorite plane so I figured what the heck. They indeed look like nice little kits considering they're short run
 19 January 2024, 14:46
Thomas Bischoff
nice start 👍 I love the cut up wing and the homemade wingfold looks great
 19 January 2024, 14:54
TV_scalemodels Autore
Rando: They are very nice and the only thing that you can notice it is limited run kit are ejector pin marks that you must remove and aligning the inner parts as there is no locator pins.
Thomas: Thanks, I start to regret that I cut everything apart as I have to droop the flaps and slats, it is not as fun as making the wing folds..
 19 January 2024, 15:34
Hey where did you get those stencils? Definitely could use some of those myself. And thanks, I'll definitely be referring back to your build video when I get started on one of these 👍
 19 January 2024, 16:19
TV_scalemodels Autore
Rando: I got those stencils from eBay: https://ebay.com/itm/3543431..vNNrh%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4CF_amkYw
 19 January 2024, 16:49
Very exciting to see someone else raise a Crusader wing!
 21 January 2024, 14:59
Awesome to see what can be made from the wing. This is almost scratch-building!
 27 January 2024, 14:59
TV_scalemodels Autore
I inserted the Academy top engine duct into the fuselage half, but it was 1 to 2mm too narrow, so I made additional floor to that. I also added forward bulkhead from Academy kit. It also had to be modified so that it is in center.

Wheel wells got some additional details although they are quite nice out of the box, but as I add some other details hey would look too empty.
 4 February 2024, 11:31
Looking good - will follow
 9 February 2024, 10:33
István Szücs
Great work so far!
 9 February 2024, 21:26
Very nice job so far 👍
How was the fit of the belly and the transparent part?
 10 February 2024, 20:22
TV_scalemodels Autore
Cuajete: thanks! The transparent part fit was very good. From air brake to main wheel well plastic part needs some attention though.
 11 February 2024, 09:50
Cedric LFMA
Love it!
 11 February 2024, 12:21
Michael Kohl
I like the progress I see. Anxios to see it with color.
 17 February 2024, 10:06
TV_scalemodels Autore
Michael Kohl: here you go... I think pre-shading works well with these colors.
 18 February 2024, 09:57
Beautiful. Is the nose going to be opened?
 23 February 2024, 16:56
TV_scalemodels Autore
Rando: yes the nose camera is also going to be visible
 23 February 2024, 21:19
I love it, this is inspiring work, I'm going to build one of the Sword RF-8s in flight and another dirty like this.
 23 February 2024, 22:01
Jennifer Franklin
 23 February 2024, 22:16
Good progress 👍
 24 February 2024, 19:57
John E
Following. Amazing work so far.
 25 February 2024, 18:04
Fantastic build so far. The stencils are worth it I think.
 25 February 2024, 18:51
TV_scalemodels Autore
Thanks all!

Rando: Sounds like a plan..

DerMattes: Thanks, I think stencils liven out the plane, but it is a pain to put all of those individual markings
 25 February 2024, 19:32
Stencils very worth it!
 25 February 2024, 21:04
Jennifer Franklin
The stencils look good. worth it
 25 February 2024, 21:19
I agree with Rando and Jennifer 👍
 26 February 2024, 18:49
TV_scalemodels Autore
Thanks for input Rando, Jennifer and Cujate! There was an option to remove the carrier-film a'la Eduard as the carrier film is on top of the printing. But these decal film is so thin that I decided that it is not worth double the work. I tried it with wing decals and it worked as advertised though. In these all the decals are on one big sheet, so you have to individually cut all near the real text so no additional film is put on.
 29 February 2024, 14:50
All the decals really add to the appearance of this model. I'll definitely be applying stencils to my 1/72 F-8s as well. As long as the decals are good quality, it's a part of modeling I really enjoy, even in 1/72
 29 February 2024, 15:01
TV_scalemodels Autore
Rando: I also like putting on decals, but individual stencils are always a little too time consuming and focus stars to slip. These are good, but you have to keep in mind that the printing is on the bottom side and moving the decal in situ is always a risk to destroy the decal. Numbers are in order in this stencil decal sheet, so the needed decal is quite easy to find although there is no any division like fuselage and wing etc.
 29 February 2024, 17:32
Oleg Smilyk
 29 February 2024, 18:18
Tom Spiegelberg
 1 March 2024, 20:37
TV_scalemodels Autore
Finished. Build video:
Youtube Video
 7 March 2024, 15:34
 7 March 2024, 16:44
István Szücs
Great result, thank you for sharing it!
 7 March 2024, 18:55
Great result.👍
 7 March 2024, 20:40
Great result and video! 👍
 7 March 2024, 21:51
 7 March 2024, 23:41
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work!
 8 March 2024, 03:59
Nice wiring details!
 8 March 2024, 04:11
Oleg Smilyk
Great job!!!
 8 March 2024, 07:44
How to say, I can't find the words to express my fascination with the result. It's just beautiful.
 8 March 2024, 07:50
A gem!
 8 March 2024, 09:55
Pierre-Christian Baudru
 8 March 2024, 11:12
Urban Gardini
Fantastic work mate and good video as well. Bonus points for your homage to PLASMO at the start of the video...
 8 March 2024, 14:12
TV_scalemodels Autore
Thanks all for kind comments and likes! I uploaded some more final reveal pictures.
 8 March 2024, 14:54
Love the photos, amazing attention to detail especially for 1/72. The open nose and camera port especially are fantastic. I will definitely be taking copious notes from your video when I build a Sword kit similar to this.
 8 March 2024, 15:32
TV_scalemodels Autore
Rando: Thanks! It is easy to make something if you have reference. In side camera bay I only had some worse pictures so there is some artistic license. Free feel free to copy the ideas!
 8 March 2024, 16:16
Great job. Very nice couple.
 8 March 2024, 20:48
John E
Your detail work is outstanding and inspiring. And you accomplished all of that quickly. The end result is really amazing! 👏👍
 10 March 2024, 18:18

Project info

35 immagini
1:72 F8U-1P/RF-8A Photo-Recon Crusader (Sword SW72149)

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