Very Big Sub
Photo 1 of 8
6 August 2012, 11:16

WTF! Big but very beautiful! The ruststreaks are very realistic and the chipping, too! Love it!
6 August 2012, 12:26

Whoa! Like that!
Is this a Type XXIII ? Scale 1:35 ?
Beautiful job Vitor 🙂
6 August 2012, 12:28

Awesome work. Are you going to build a case for it so that it does not gather dust?
6 August 2012, 13:21

Hello Friends
This is an R/C submarine in 1/35 like Wilfried says. I only did the paint job, the sub is made in glass fibre? i will try to put here a video of it attacking some vessels 🙂
6 August 2012, 13:24

THis is an RC ? This is too good to put it in water man !!!
Unbelievable, Vitor, this is one great (literally) model to be proud of.
But why is it photographed next to the washing machine ??? 🙂
6 August 2012, 15:49

Great video. The Jaws theme would of been good music to go with it🙂
6 August 2012, 15:57

Waaaaw impressive, very entertaining movie, thx for sharing Vitor !
Now where is my "Das Boot" DVD so I can watch it again for the XXXXXXth time !!
Hey Vitor, what color(s) did you use for the rust streaking and are they oils, pigments, enamels?
Now back again to your movie, much much better than the regular B*llSh*t that's broadcasted on television and ... no commercials ! 😉
6 August 2012, 17:09

That paintwork really finishes it off, looks like you took the "we´re going to need a bigger boat" from Jaws literally !
6 August 2012, 17:17

@ Holger, i would like it too, but i never did it 🙁 the captain dont allow it 🙂
@ Aghis, as far as i know almost 8 years latter the paint is still ok (i apply about 10 layers of varnish 🙂) It was photographed near the washing machine because it was the spot with more area to move it... we are talking about something with 160 cm!!! 🙂
@ Pedro, yes you can bet a huge model to have at home 🙂
@ Steve you are right, now every time i go to the beach (almost all weekends) and im in the water i look around to see if there is any... sub on water 🙂
@ Wilfried well with so many people watching it i think the owner is going to put some commercials on it 🙂 About the paint.. they are oils, (Van Gogh) Burn Umber, Ivory Black and white, the other "effects" were made with the airbrush, i used Tamiya Air Spray Paint AS26 the other one... i dont remember.
@ Guus 🙂 bigger than this and it dont fit in my hobby room, by the way i painted it on the street!! in front of a friend garage because the smell of the paints is too aggressive 🙂 The rest of the work have been done in my job installations on weekends!
@ Philips 😉
@ Bill No problems i was born in the summer of 69 🙂 (really!!)
@ Guido you are right i confess that when i did it i dont know watt to expect once the model was on water, but the paint is still there after so many hours of navigation 🙂
Thank you all for your nice words
Regards from Portugal
Vitor Costa
7 August 2012, 11:08

And Vitor what a beach you have, Portugal has a lovely sunny coastline🙂🙂🙂
Bill mate, woodstock ain't in Portugal... (joke)
7 August 2012, 15:18

Well at that time Portugal was in war in the ex-colonys (my father was a Morse instructor, he didn't went to Africa because he gave Morse classes to the officers that went to war) but he didn't leave Portugal so... i dont think so 🙂
7 August 2012, 22:41
Album info
The first and only submarine i did till today, this was a 8-9 years ago, this as the biggest work i have done.