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Xu Ho (Etnf2)

ZTZ99-I & 99-II MBT HobbyBoss 1:35


16 19 February, 23:30
Xu Ho Autore
Two unfinished kits I got from an online flea market. Badly built and painted. I'm going to reflesh them and give them a rebirth.
1  19 February, 23:40
André Silva
Just curious, how much did you pay?
 19 February, 23:44
Xu Ho Autore
total? a bit less than the new ones.
1  19 February, 23:47
André Silva
Sweet deal, since elbow grease is "free", just time consuming.
 20 February, 00:12
Xu Ho Autore
Ha, you got the point!
 20 February, 00:29
André Silva
Just saw the photo of all the tanks. Great work.
 27 March, 15:23
Xu Ho Autore
Thank you Andre!
1  27 March, 17:36

Project info

26 immagini
1:35 ZTZ 99A MBT (HobbyBoss 82439)1:35 ZTZ 99 MBT (HobbyBoss 82438)

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