Sd.Kfz 234/1 Dio - Step1
1 14 January 2013, 14:58

Looks really great.Very well done!
What is the tall grass made of??
14 January 2013, 17:06

Really nice! By the way, how did u make the sand on the tires? Pigments? 🙂
14 January 2013, 17:12

Thanx. The dirt on the tires is only pigments + pigment fixer. Pigments applied in bigger amounts, pressed into the profile an rubbed away on the flanks of the tires with paintbrush or fingertip. As far as I remeber, it was my first try at pigments.
14 January 2013, 17:36

The tall grass is made of hair of a big, cheap paintbrush. First I tried to stick the long hairs into white glue. But they won't stay upreight. What worked, was to put them into a 3-5 mm thick coat of Molto Holz-Reperatur-Spachtel. Here they stay upright. The technique is a bit tedious. But I like how it worked out. And better even if you like it also. (I added a picture aof the brush)
14 January 2013, 17:45

It looks fantastic and thanks for the hint with the Molto. 🙂
14 January 2013, 17:54

Hi Ingmar, this will really become a nice, little dio. The idea with the brush is great! Looking forward to the finals.
14 January 2013, 18:06

Thanks for the info! It looks great! Im building a Puma at the moment and gonna weather it like this. 😄
14 January 2013, 18:16

Hi Victor, I realy like the 234 series. To me they have something aesthetic. I have to get myself a Puma at some time. And I'd realy like to do this 234/1 again, since I have learned many things since the time I finished this one (around 2007 / 2008 as far as I remember)
14 January 2013, 19:44

I agree Ingmar. I dont know why but i just love the German ww2 design overall, planes tanks, you name it!
14 January 2013, 21:17

A gap in education!😉
14 January 2013, 21:35

First figure almost done. Building + painting took three evenings... Somehow I have the feeling, that I have to speed up my figure painting... but I'm quiet satisfied with the result. Just the helmet missing.
16 January 2013, 22:04
Album info
Base basicaly done. Now I try to figure out, which figures to use and how to pose them. So far ist a StuG Commander from the Tamyia StuG B and a kneeling Soldier from Dragons 7,5 cm Pak 40 with Heer Gun Crew. I'd like to add a third soldier, looking through binoculars, but I still havent found the right figure.