P-39 Airacobra
Photo 1 of 6
2 26 January 2013, 17:04

Endless barking - wow, wow, wow, wow.... Detail extreme.
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
The hangar scene is also well done! As Jan said, another winner!
PS: Dirk, wenn ich das sehe, komme ich mir mit meinen 1:35-ern wie ein Grobmotoriker vor! 🙁
26 January 2013, 19:36

wow, well i'm not into planes but i know what's nice, and this one is beautifull... 😮 😄
26 January 2013, 19:42

Congratulations with this beauty Dirk, Like Lemmy says, typical a Heyer product and another winner is born😉
Love the details and the beautiful paintjob with is great waethering, wow
Awesome job mate 👍
26 January 2013, 19:44

Thy mates,
for your kindly words! 🙂
@Frank: Das sehe ich aber anders! Da sind ne Menge Details an Deinen Modellen! 🙂
26 January 2013, 22:23

Another great build dirk,nice faded camouflage and the weathering is top.
27 January 2013, 08:20

Hi Dirk,
that´s adorable, masterly, in every respect a winner... and for sure one of the very best models I have ever seen!
I am really stunned and thrilled- as so much times before you did a masterly work, it is a pleasure to study your skills!
27 January 2013, 08:20

Extreme Accurate and clean build and paint until the smallest Detail!!TOP
Awesome,exellent ! 👍 👍 👍
27 January 2013, 09:48

how long did this take to perfect?just amazing the level of detail and the paint work is outstanding,slightly jealous of this lol
27 January 2013, 11:39

What a fantastic model Dirk, you have put the labor of love into this one!
27 January 2013, 13:31

Thx mates!
I`m proud that my models get this attraction, makes me very embarrassed!
If my photos could help a lil`bit to solve any prob`s or questions in the aircraft section, it would makes me pleasing!
Dirk 🙂
@ Erik: Na alter Hesse? 😄
Irgendwann müssen wir uns doch mal treffen. Da gibt es noch einen neuen und sehr netten Mate namens Bird Dog aka Holger aus Frankfurt! Wie wäre es mal mit einem Treffen zu Dritt in Isenburg in einer Kneipe??
27 January 2013, 13:31

Bin mal gespannt wann ich die endlich live sehe....
27 January 2013, 17:03

Na hoffentlich bald mal wieder! 🙂 Spätestens im Sommer zu unserer nächsten Überländle Modellbau Grill Jumelage wenn sich Hessen, Saarland und Frankreich wieder treffen 🙂
27 January 2013, 19:04

Hello Dirk
Amazing work! One of the best Aircobra i ever see! Congratulations, a really feast to the eyes. Thank you for sharing it.
27 January 2013, 23:37

Wow! Excellent work down the smallest detail! Really nice weathering and shading too!
6 February 2013, 03:48

Thx Mates!
I`ve added the very last pictures of this project! Starting from picture 22.
The model is fixed now on the base and is parking for next expo in March!
The figure is from Verlinden, the tools are photo etched parts from Aber, the toolbox and can`s are from Tamiya.
The platform is scratch built out of plastic and wood.
6 February 2013, 11:08

Ich gratuliere! Eine Spitzen-Arbeit; die Figur sieht ebenfalls erstklassig aus, ein Augenschmauß!
6 February 2013, 11:37

By the way......TOP!!!Excellent!!! 👍 👍 Used acrylics for the figure??
6 February 2013, 15:32

Dirk, you amaze us again! Excellent work on the best P-39 I've seen. And I'm glad you got to pose it with your hangar. Wow!! 🙂
6 February 2013, 18:16

Ah thx, yes the hangar is my favourite photo-studio background! 🙂
Have a look on Roland`s amazing Airacobra Trilogy. One of the three is finished meanwhile!
In March there will be an amazing model expo in Ober-Schleißheim. The 1:35 scale modeller are very skilful there. You will meet there Bernhard Lustig, Münchner Runde with all the best of military modeller of Bavarya and excellent Italian modeller.
For aircraft modeller it is a famous atmosphere to exhibit between WWI, WWII and modern aircraft's!
The figure is painted with acrylics from Valejo!
6 February 2013, 18:33

Great build!
Paint job is excelent too and i'm glad to see some moskit exhaust pipes!!
Great material but rarely seen installed on aour kits.
Well done😉
25 February 2013, 12:35

Fantastic P-39 Dirk. I really like your weathering and the various techniques you've used to achieve it- looks totally believable and not over done. Great stuff!
25 February 2013, 14:23

@ all:
I am very pleased about your nice comments! Thx.
@Pascal: I`ve ordered a large amount of different exhaust types directly in Moscow! With aid of a Russian friend..🙂 Sadly this fine article is out of production now!
I used Moskit exhaust`s for my Ta-152,Seiran and my Stuka in 1:48.
Highly recommended! 🙂
25 February 2013, 19:01

Wow, a true work of art! Really enjoyed seeing this great tribute to the P-39 - well done! 🙂
6 May 2014, 00:29
Album info
Hi mates,
after 3 month now I can go out of the basement. 🙂 It was a hard time in the basement and it is nice to see daylight again!
Hey, it is winter?? 🙂