Photo 1 of 4
29 January 2013, 14:12

Seems you were busy recently! On the cutting matress it looks ready for a game of "Schiffe versenken!" Nicely done, Holger! 👍
29 January 2013, 14:26

Well, thank you, Frank!
But i decided to go more to 1:35! 1:350 is just too small for me😢
29 January 2013, 14:30

What a beauty Holger, nice waethering, awesome job mate, this is looking really great 👍
29 January 2013, 14:34

Thank you Philly! But i think the weathering is a bit overdone. But anyway, i´m still learning😢!
29 January 2013, 14:40

So your next submarine will be this one?
Type XXIII U-Boat (Bronco CB35104, 1:35)
29 January 2013, 14:54

@Frank: Why not?!
@Steffen: Ich schmeiß dat Ding an den Strand und mach ein paar Bilder, dass muß reichen!😢
@Vorya: Thank you! Try one yourself, its fun!
29 January 2013, 15:24

Vielleicht beim nächsten Bau! Hier hab ich zuviel Effekt durch zu wenig Licht kreiert. Daher ist das Washing sehr heftig ausgefallen...
Aber trotzdem DANKE!
29 January 2013, 15:42

Ja, wie jetzt? Hier wird mal schnell was Fertiges serviert? Wo sind die Bilder der Entstehung?
29 January 2013, 16:11

@ Holger,
Dann holst Dir noch ein paar 350-er Figuren und machst ein Museumsschiff draus.😉
29 January 2013, 16:56

@Acki: Du ich weis garnicht ob ich überhaupt Bilder gemacht habe! Dat Ding is so schnell gebaut, hat mich selbst verblüfft!
29 January 2013, 17:23

Hi Holger, I missed that so far. Great job on the VIIc with a nice and subtle weathering. Is the boat still on the display stand or in a small setting? Cheers, Christian
25 August 2013, 19:10

Thanks foe the kind comments, dudes!
Christian, i plan to set it in a dio when i get my Scharnhorst. It shall depict a meet ´n greet at sea.
26 August 2013, 06:21

Very nice job Holger.One of these days I need to dust off my ship stash and build some of them.LOL.
16 November 2013, 23:08

Nice U-boat Holger! Nice job on the weathering, you just did what I have been telling myself to do someday😉
You should share it on SPAM too btw! 🙂
17 November 2013, 00:13

Thank you all very much!
This one showed me my limits! Its hard NOT to overdo the weathering... And i did...😢
Nine: Yes, why not share it on SPAM!🙂
Mike: Seems as you just missed it😢
17 November 2013, 14:46
Album info
For this project I had to get to know my limits ... Weathering in this scale is simply an art in itself. But the kit is great, and the etched parts really lovely!