ESCI Flak 30 with crew
Photo 1 of 11
11 April 2013, 19:08

Good one! Thanks for showing. These sandbags are not my taste but the rest is very well done. 👍
11 April 2013, 20:01

The camo on the helmets and trousers is thin strips of german pattern decal from CROSSDELTA...can be found at Sprue Brothers website.
25 April 2013, 23:12

Thanks all for the boost. Maybe I should try another figure build. I will tell my neighbor you like his Nissan Maarten.
25 April 2013, 23:15
Album info
My second attempt at a diorama. Fisrt time working with modelers grass, gravel, and ground cover. All put on a wood base purchased at Walmart. Doing faces is still a real problem.