a Fw 190 D9, it should be
Photo 1 of 40
1 22 August 2013, 09:16

is probably the Weekend version, but I still have PE parts from other Fw 190 he in the camp, probably does not go without 🙂
22 August 2013, 13:45

Texturing with wax, very easy 🙂
the flaps are closed, which means a little more work
described in the plan well
24 August 2013, 06:11

the pictures are still corners to see and know, that will be the task for today
25 August 2013, 05:57

3 trials for the exotics
First, Standarttarnung RLM 76/74/81 spots supplemented with 70 and 82
second, 76/81/82 spots supplemented with 70 and 83
Third, base 76, wild meander at 81/83 and 82 + 70 patches
I'm still not happy, but if I wanted more, I would have to remove paint everything
28 August 2013, 07:21

slowly are just extras to make 🙂
Weapons of needles, PE loop antenna remains
30 August 2013, 07:24

is this what we see in the pictures:"base 76, wild meander at 81/83 and 82 + 70 patches"? it looks great!
30 August 2013, 14:15

Hallo Wim Danke 🙂 und @Burkhard auch so 🙂 , Du musst dich mit deinen Modellen absolut nicht verstecken , wo ich bei der Fw nicht ganz zufrieden bin , ich bin kein Handwerker , also der bau lässt immer zu wünschen übrig , man kann aber sehr viel unter der Farbe verstecken 😉
30 August 2013, 15:55

Nice assembly, especially if you managed to close those gun fairings !!!
30 August 2013, 18:50

Aghis Barberopoulos
unfortunately they are not perfect, but it will not be the last Eduard Fw 190 😉 the A models are still missing 🙂
30 August 2013, 19:05

circuit, from, end
are added, the guns of needles, the pitot specifically a 0.6 needle with 0.2 brass wire
the antenna Q-Tip, the insulators are artists acrylic and superglue
the etched parts are from the Eduard program
the colors are Gunze Hobby Color, thinner than I use 75% isopropanol
the model has no connection lacquered finish, no clear coat, all HK and BK are
a little nervous are lost 😉, but the next model draws you 🙂
it is the single-seat IL 2 from Accurate Miniaturs be
as a special feature here, a used / flown winter camouflage😉
until then good weekend
31 August 2013, 07:37

The people can say what they want!
But a beauty built and painted Fw 190 D-9 is beside the late Spitfires the s*xiest, if not the ultimate most beautiful classic aircraft, isn`t it??
31 August 2013, 10:22

You said it Dirk! Kurt Tank's design's are infinitely more beautiful to my eyes 😉
31 August 2013, 12:06

Danke Leute , freut mich , wenn ich Euren Augen Schmeicheln konnte 🙂
Aghis Barberopoulos because I do not like the Spit, my choice is always easy 😉
@ Dirk Du sagst es , die Fw 190D macht eine mehr als schöne Figur , ich hoffe das Flugwerk die Serie der Nachbauten bald in der Luft hat
31 August 2013, 12:39
Album info
Eduard Weekend 1:48 + Cutting Edge Limitet 48 070