BATMAN (Frank Miller)
Photo 1 of 4
26 June 2014, 10:00

10 years have passed since the Batman has been seen. Till today...
This nice figure is molded in the version of Frank Millers Comic The Dark Knight Returns
26 June 2014, 10:15

Kinda reminds me of a "Dads for Justice" protest a few years back where a few dads dressed up as superheroes and climbed up onto a roof of some building to protest the laws bias towards men in parental disputes and custody battles etc. anyhow......
Frank Millers Batman was the best I thought, loved the book !! 🙂
26 June 2014, 10:27

I do like the whole plynth thing one can imagine this to be a corner of some building and that he is about to do something, the flapping lends a lot of life to the scene, perhaps a backdrop would be a nice touch on this one ? 🙂
5 July 2014, 12:51