The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild
1 28 June 2014, 07:54

The underpaint is done, Unfortunately my hands are not as steady as I want. 🙂
28 June 2014, 09:07

"Unfortunately my hands are not as steady as I want."
I recommend 2 shots of whiskey 30 minutes before getting down to it * 😄
Anyhow cool subject, look forward to seeing how this one shapes up 👍
*this is not medical advice...
28 June 2014, 11:48

I'm kind of stuck at this point and really don't have any idea how can I bring out the details more..
30 June 2014, 17:42

Looking good so far though dude, not sure what else you could do other than give it a darker weathering wash and maybe chip some bare metal on to it etc. can you find a photo of another tank in a similar colour scheme that has achieved the effect your after ?
30 June 2014, 17:54

On Google I only Could find factory fresh or a bit dirty stuff. I think ŐI go for the dirt and some chipping 🙂
Thanks for the ideas.
1 July 2014, 03:14

I saw this light coloured tank and thought of your dilemma, I know it might not be entirely right for your tank but worth a look just in case you aint seen it yet 🙂
2 July 2014, 02:50

Thanks. I tried point wash but the wash Just don't run along the lines even after I applied a Layer of gloss varnis. It Just spreads where it touches the surface. 🙁 But I think after a bit of dirt it will Come together.
2 July 2014, 03:22

Thanks a lot! I Will try this. My only concern is the wiping. Wonder how the paper towel likes all those rivets. 😄 Anyway I think I'll use a brush for that.
2 July 2014, 06:58

looks better !!
with weathering there are so many options I get a little bamboozled by all the choices, a catalogue of all the techniques available would be nice 🙂
Just tried the pin wash with oil paint on my Harrier, and I like it though a little more practice and it will get better 🙂
Might work on this too and then perhaps dry brushing some highlights after with a little chipping around the front, hatches and walkways. looking good so far, this project is on track ! as one might say 😄
5 July 2014, 13:05

I think this wash almost have the same result as the point wash. The dry brushing is done already so I think some chipping and dirt plus the tracks and it is done.
5 July 2014, 15:09

I found the pin wash a bit different from the sludge wash, especially in playing with it after I had laid it on the model, but either way looking good 🙂
Feels good to get these old models out the cupboard and finished 🙂
5 July 2014, 16:00

One of my friend is doing the point wash with a thin pencil 🙂 (he's doing mostly planes) and the result is not too bad. And your right the sludge wash is more 'dirty'.
5 July 2014, 17:20

but I reckon that suits armour more though, also with a matt finish it is dirtier than using a gloss finish, you can play with it a bit more on gloss, I just found that I can do things with an oil pin wash that I can't with the quicker soft pastel sludge wash. Anyhow look forward to the chipping effect though be sure to clear coat it before you do 🙂
5 July 2014, 17:27

Best to use a cotton handkerchief rather than a paper towel. Trouble is, I have nothing now to blow my nose on! 🙂
5 July 2014, 18:46

haha you'll just have to do the thumb against one nostril trick, bit messy though .... 🙂
5 July 2014, 18:57

haha yeah and have the bucket at the ready, my dad used to do that, looks disgusting, getting the gold watch and chain out as he used to call it....
5 July 2014, 19:50

And this will be the final version. Now the most unliked part...Tracks!
6 July 2014, 18:19
Album info
A unfinished Swedish CV90-40C Ifv From hobby boss. It is sitting in the box more than a year now.
It will have a UN finish. This is my first moder and the first white armour. Hopefully it will look great.
Costruzione di gruppo

The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild
1. Gennaio 2016 fino a 31. Dicembre 2020
1. Gennaio 2016 fino a 31. Dicembre 2020