Revell Kanonenjagdpanzer
Photo 1 of 6
1 29 October 2014, 11:07

What a fascinating vehicle Panza, and I will add here, I never knew that these existed, and a really nice job you have done.
29 October 2014, 11:23

Panzerfux, thanks for the link mate and now I know what it is and it's origins, it makes it even more desirable now, so it is now on my wish list, along with every other kit in the world LOL. 🙂
29 October 2014, 19:19

Looks awesome😉 Did also see this one last weekend in a muesum here in Germany.
29 October 2014, 19:25

Welcome with your first Album and its a tank ,I love it.
The link is also very intresting stuff.
Did'nt know it was used by Belgium army.
29 October 2014, 19:34

The PK has a "grunt" look I like. "Ve are not here to talk" especially with the "Pig's head" gun mantle like the StuG III Ausf.G that Holger mentioned, but fatter. a most impressive build. 🙂
29 October 2014, 19:37

I just had a look @ Google Images of the Kanonenjagdpanzer and there was pages of photos of it too.
29 October 2014, 19:47