I-153 Čajka
Photo 1 of 50
4 January 2015, 11:54

outstanding build. the structure on the wings and hull, was it like that in the kit, or did you apply this by hand. If so, how did you do it?
2 February 2015, 17:38

THX. That is original structure on Směr kit surface - it creates a canvas structure i mean.
2 February 2015, 18:11

It is just fantastic how much diversity of subject matter we have at our disposal these days, and every day, I see things like Pavel has posted here and it is just stunning what you have produced here mate. I tip my hat. Wonderful stuff 🙂
4 February 2015, 18:08

Great variation in color and shade creating a perfect fabric impression. Chapeau!
4 February 2015, 18:22

Absolutly nice... The finish is great. I have it in my stash and on my to-do-list. I hope it will become your level...😉
20 February 2015, 20:45

It's stunning what you have done from this old kit!! Top work Pavel!
24 June 2015, 10:05
Album info
Směr (1:72)