Stefan SchachtInteressant, bin neugierig wie es weitergeht.
19 February 2015, 21:06
Michael RotthoweI have to follow this one, will be building the kit myself soon. Hopefully. Looks Great!
19 February 2015, 21:13
Ralf SchusterSchick... schick... schick... aber... washing fällt aus? Bis Weihnachten ists noch ne Weile hin *fg*
19 February 2015, 21:18
Soeren R.Echt klasse bisher André! Hast eigentlich schon was gefunden bezüglich der Bombenlast?
19 February 2015, 21:20
Martyn FoxLooks like an other nice kit from Airfix. Good start 🙂
7 March 2015, 10:58
John EGreat start! I'm following this one. 🙂
7 March 2015, 15:32
Ulf PetersenHi André, very promising start - keep on!👍
9 March 2015, 07:12
Andre Hoencher AutoreThanks! Next Update coming soon...
10 March 2015, 17:22
Soeren R.What a nice and clean build André! I will be happy if mine only look as half as good 🙂
Or better said one of my two 😛
25 March 2015, 17:13
Martyn FoxProgressing really well 👍
25 March 2015, 21:40
AugieLooking really nice!
25 March 2015, 21:48
Bill GilmanLooking very good! Stay calm and shoot Gunze! 🙂
26 March 2015, 02:18
Andre Hoencher AutoreThanks mates! 😄 @ Sören: All a matter of practice! 👍
26 March 2015, 13:20
Soeren R.True but I probably will write you as soon as I will build mine 🙂
26 March 2015, 13:53
Christian MeyerhoffWOW! Stunning build so far! This one is on my to do list as well.
3 April 2015, 18:04
Jens👍 👍 👍
3 April 2015, 18:58
Dave HumphreysGreat paint job. Subtle but very effective.
4 April 2015, 08:44
Mats BengtssonLooking very good. The paint job is top class. Well done Andre.
4 April 2015, 09:09
Andre Hoencher AutoreToday last steps by the Dornier. Decals and final assembley. 🙂
7 April 2015, 15:51
Cristian BordinaWOW, wonderful job Andre, my compliments !!!
7 April 2015, 15:54
Soeren R.Awesome work André! Looks amazing!
7 April 2015, 16:15
Hanno KleineckeGreat work on this Flying Pencil, Andre !
7 April 2015, 17:14
Martyn FoxLooks really good Andre.🙂
7 April 2015, 17:19
Ulf PetersenPretty cool mate! I hope to see it in Wilnsdorf! 👍
7 April 2015, 21:55
Bulldog Scale ModelsReally great work, I am thinking to get one of them they look impressive
8 April 2015, 11:48
Hi mates, last steps by the Dornier.
Decals & final assembley.