Building the A 86 Torpedoboat
Photo 1 of 4
3 April 2015, 12:00

First Step:
Glueing the hull together.
Only a bit of filling and sanding needed so far.
3 April 2015, 12:01

Almost completed.
The only thing left to do is the rigging.
Overall a nice little kit, which requires some extra work bit turns out realy good.
10 April 2015, 09:28

I really like these old torpedoboats, and you did a fantastic job on this one ! This might lead me into making one myself .
10 April 2015, 10:04

I can realy recommend this one.
The quality is just like the V-106 from the same manufacturer.
10 April 2015, 10:12

Thank you.
To keep my motivation, I´ve decided do not as much scratchwork as I usualy do on my models.
10 April 2015, 17:41

It's a good idea and help much to finish a project - but it's a bit uncrazy🙂
10 April 2015, 17:50

Nearly completed.
Only the figure (L´Arsenal) and the stand are missing.
When both are finished, I´ll show the final photos. 🙂
13 April 2015, 12:32

Thx Kerry.
This will maybe the last new model from my dockyard.
Next thing will be to repair all my older models.
Some of them had a bit bad luck, due to our moving from Stralsund...
13 April 2015, 20:12

Here are the pictures of the finished model:
Torpedoboot A 86 (Mirage Hobby / ) | Album by Graf Spee (1:350)
Hope, you like it. 🙂
7 July 2015, 17:23

Dank Euch beiden.
Das isst der Geschwaderstander.
Der Admiralsstander ist rechteckig.
9 July 2015, 10:59