Finished - Focke-Wulf Ta-152 H1 Green 3
27 July 2015, 17:44

26 grey plastic parts and one clear plastic part and two aero planes in a box. The new Mark 1 models Ta-152 is a good value for money. I start this as an in between build to get some distance from my endless HMS Belfast project (no patience for the complex paint work at the moment).
Well the parts of this tiny kit went together well, just some sanding here and there but now filling on the fuselage halves. There is just some filling required on the wing root, but that should work well. The cockpit contains just three parts, there are decals for the instruments but I did not use them and add only some white points to simulate the instruments. I cut the one piece canopy in two halves to display the Ta-152 with an open canopy. Some more progress soon.
Cheers, Christian
27 July 2015, 17:55

A Ta-152 in 1:144? Thats indeed seldomly seen! Looks like a fun project in between!
Happy modeling, Christian!😄
27 July 2015, 18:12

@Guido, as most scale 144 kits do. Check this out, no P-47 detail set but some more useful stuff:
Thx Bernd🙂
6 August 2015, 18:47

@Guido, nice kits looking forward to this!
The best of these tiny little kits, they save time to complete even you add some extra detail or corrections. They gave a good feeling to be able to complete something when you work on a long project or have less time due to real work
I just add as an extra detail some new retractors on the landing gear and cut the canopy to place it in open position. A little bit challenging because of the size was to add a new front frame to the sliding part of the canopy. Some filling and sanding here and there and the building process of the model is finished and the paint work can start.
Cheers, Christian
10 August 2015, 17:37

Thx Mates, and sorry, I missed your kind comments.
Well, kit hopping or why to work on one when you can work on three Back to my Ta-152. It took me the whole afternoon to get the camo scheme done. A lot of masking was required and to get the splotches on the fuselage sides as fine as possible need a lot of patience and a steady hand. It is much easier to paint such a scheme in larger scales.
I have to add some small details, step, antenna, cockpit frame etc. before I start with the decals.
Cheers, Christian
3 September 2015, 19:19

Not easy to paint so small models, great job ! Cheers.
4 September 2015, 05:27

Thx Bernd
Canopy, propeller, seat, step and antennas are finished and fixed to the model. Just some weathering, decals and a base.
So far a nice kit with good surface details in that scale. The panel lines are a bit overdone, but it is ok. I will add a subtle weathering not to overdo the depth effect.
Cheers, Christian
4 September 2015, 18:54

Well a subtle wash and some highlight effects are done by using oils thinned with lighter fluid. I try not to overdo the wash and used green and brown colors. The subtle highlight effects are done by dapping lightened brown, green and even white in the middle of the panels and blur it until I get the effect I want to have with a brush. Now the oils have to dry completely before I can go on with a gloss coat and the decals.
Cheers, Christian
20 September 2015, 09:18

Oops, something obviuosly has gotten mixed up here, Christian 🙂. (Ta 152 under Sopwith Pup N6453 CDR E.H. Dunning August 1917- Headline)
Have you re-edited your projects recently ? Same thing happened to me as well, a couple of days ago. Bugfix needed ?
Decals look very good btw 😄
19 March 2016, 09:37

Well my TA-152 got it's decals too🙂 They aren't easy to move in the correct position once applied because they're really thin, but once managed they sat, just with less softener, on the surface like painted. I ruined the green 3 the first time, but get immediately a replacement set! Thank you Michal from Mark1 Models, very good support!
Cheers Christian
19 March 2016, 09:37

Well Hanno noticed this just right now, don't know what happened? Ah and thank you for your kind comment🙂
Ok bugfixed, but again don't know what happened, but most - I guess - it is a mistake by the one in front of the computer - Tim? 🙂 🙂 🙂
19 March 2016, 09:44

Not at the workbench for long time, but fun and patience is back at the bench, and this is driving me to go back to some old projects to finish🙂
19 March 2016, 10:04

After a final coat of Windsor&Newton satin varnish I finished the Ta-152 and put it on a little base with some figures and equipment.
Cheers, Christian
25 March 2016, 15:46

Again a great build from you Christian, looks like larger scale!
25 March 2016, 16:46

Congrats Christian, great build and great paint. Spots are wonderful. 🙂
26 March 2016, 09:11

Very nice, you amaze me with what you can do with such tiny subjects.
22 April 2016, 22:33

Wow, thank you very much for all your kind comments. I had a lot of fun building and painting the model and I'm really glad you like it.
Cheers, Christian
23 April 2016, 15:21

very nice. Although I know that it is not 1:72 I have to look closely to belive it 🙂, Cheers Stefan
24 April 2016, 08:50

Thank you Stefan and Dieter🙂
@Dieter, Kopflupe, ohne geht so was nicht mehr bei mir😉
24 April 2016, 16:21

I'm glad you like it. Thank you all for your very kind response and feedback.🙂
Cheers, Christian
9 April 2017, 10:41

Dear Christian, Which is brand from the another miniature (not the pilot)?
12 September 2017, 22:21

Where in blazes name did you get that push bike. ??? :-O
You and your pencil always seem to turn out something magical. 👍
A true minni master. for sure. 👍
Salute. 🙂 🙂 🙂
13 September 2017, 04:17

Thank you all for the very kind comments for this work of mine. Da In, the figure is from Preiser. They have some scale 144. Hope that helps. Cheers Christian
14 September 2017, 05:41