Nils Steyaertgreat job, love the splinter camo 🙂
10 August 2015, 15:17
Bart GoesaertNice camo... love these Iranian birds...
12 August 2015, 14:31
EkkiExcellent work!
23 August 2015, 20:05
Cristian BordinaGreat job Soheil, I think has not been easy this camo. BRAVO !!!
7 September 2015, 15:26
Wilfried TersagoI do like that camouflage: congratulations, Soheil!
1 December 2015, 19:38
soheil moghisi AutoreThanks,jeffrey and maciej.
3 December 2015, 10:19
Holger KranichIts an F-14A Tomcat in persian service.😢
6 May 2016, 05:51
Saeed EzadiBeautiful cat, cograt Soheil!
5 February 2019, 22:45