Cromwell MK IV 4th CLY
Photo 1 of 98
14 August 2015, 12:37

Build is done, I just layed down primer and base coats and base painted stowage and tools. Photos to follow when the basic painting and markings are done.
12 September 2015, 01:48

Looks great, Henry! 👍 I love the Cromwell. You did a superb job on the photoetch!
And you've got Black Dog Stowage, can't go wrong there either 🙂
Very much looking forward to your next photos 👍
12 September 2015, 07:22

Thanks John. This was a surprisingly fast build but Tamiya kits are like that. My brass work has improved, I used to muck it up to the point where I was afraid to use the stuff. Black Dog has some great resin, wonderful detail made for a wide variety of subjects. I have their Humber scout car set that I will be using in a future project. More photos later today. I want to get the rest of the details base painted, get the markings in place and put down a sealing clear coat. I will get some pictures before I apply the general wash. I will be attending a show/contest later this month and I want to bring this guy along.
12 September 2015, 11:17

Yeah, I totally agree. Tamiya kits are great that way.
It certainly shows you can handle your PE! 🙂 Again, great work! This should definitely do well in the contest you will be attending 👍 Good luck and I hope you'll be bringing home a medal! 👍
12 September 2015, 20:35

Thanks John,
Went out with the wife for a few pints and ended up at our favorite watering hole till the wee hours, my head is a bit fuzzy today but I plan on putting in some time today on this project. The show uses AMPs judging rules. I really want to get the judges feedback to see if there are any flaws that I miss and that I can fix and improve. This is the 4th of 9 models that will be part of a larger project centered around the action at Villers Bocage. I am working toward having everything ready for next years AMPs and IPMS national conventions. I have documented each build here and I have written them up as well. I am hoping to get my articles published in one of the armor magazines like MMiR or AFV. That is a part of the hobby I have found I enjoy. I have written some 30 review articles for the AMPs website, I have found I am pretty good at it so might as well take the next steps.
13 September 2015, 13:27

Taking time to go out and enjoy yourself is a great thing 🙂 I hope you did enjoy yourself 👍
You are right, the feedback you can get from contests is invaluable indeed.
I read the background you wrote earlier on what you have planned. It's an awesome endavour that will definitely give people some insight in the happenings at Villers Bocage. I think it's a really great idea! If your articles get published, that would not only be great but also well deserved 🙂
I have indeed read a number of your reviews. You certainly do have a knack for that. They are very thorough and informative! Always a joy to read them 👍
13 September 2015, 14:59

Thank you for the compliment. I did technical writing while serving in the Navy and honed my skills then. Just added the completed photos of the Cromwell. I have a base done but I am traveling so I can not get any pictures of the Cromwell on the base. I will do that when I get home.
22 September 2015, 16:01

Amazing job Henry. The Cromwell from Tamiya is a perfect kit. You made a masterpiece. Thanks for showing! 👍
22 September 2015, 16:03

Thanks you. I put in a great deal of effort. The kit is a dream to build, falls together. Added PE only when it would add value. This is the 4th of 9 projects that will all be part of a larger project. I hope to have it ready for the AMPs and IPMS Nationals next year.
22 September 2015, 16:08

Thanks James. I just added some pics of the basic base. I will add civilians and a few other items like posters and a table and chairs to give the feel of a small French town during that period.
23 September 2015, 00:36

I am traveling to a contest at the moment so my photos are not top notch but I hope everyone gets the idea for where I am going with this.
23 September 2015, 00:37

Thanks all. I will be at a 2 day contest and show in Danbury, Connecticut this weekend. I have not shown any of my work other than on line. They use the AMPs judging rules and I want to get feedback on my work to see if I missed anything so I can correct those flaws and improve on my new pieces.
23 September 2015, 11:34

My work was well received by the judges and I acquired very valuable feedback on the ways to improve my work. I will be adding posters and signs to the walls, a café table and chairs as well as some civilians to the scene. In addition I will replace the antenna on the Cromwell as it was pointed out that British built tanks used a ridged antenna, not the wipe like antenna that I used. You will learn something new whenever you go to a show. I will post shots of the additions as they are added.
17 October 2015, 13:35

3 of 4 figures to be added have base coats and faces done. I have 4th figure to go, along with a wash and some dry brushing.
13 March 2016, 15:54

Thanks Eric. I wanted to add some civilians to this and now I am about done. Figures have been a challenge for me in the past but I have made a real effort to get better at faces and I think that extra work is paying off.
14 March 2016, 00:28

Ulf, thank you. It took me a bit to get the figures on the street the way I wanted them. I am my own worst critic at times.
15 March 2016, 12:50
Album info
This project ill represent a Cromwell that engaged in the Battle of Villers Bocage.