Euro Scale Modelling 2016
Photo 1 of 81
4 29 October 2016, 17:09

This is totally awesome, so many beautiful Models, the Dios do the business, thx for Sharing!
29 October 2016, 20:03

Was a great show indeed! However I didn't see a thing of the contest.. too busy with scoring new kits and talking with fellow modellers 😄
29 October 2016, 20:18

took me a while with the queue, but finally managed. it was really nice collection of kits.
29 October 2016, 20:23

Mn Apache bij de wedstrijd... viel wel een beetje in het niks bij de Kamov, eerlijk toegegeven..
29 October 2016, 21:50

Thanks for taking and sharing, sol many great models, that mig-29 makes you feel hopeless in comparison
29 October 2016, 21:52

@spanjaard: nee, deed voor een eerste keer mee. Smaakt in ieder geval naar meer!
29 October 2016, 21:55

beyond insane..... the pictures do not give it the proper justice. a pleasure to look at it, and an pain since i will never be able to make something at that level.
29 October 2016, 21:55

Thanks for sharing Spanjaard. The models were great indeed, but the lighting was not that good in some parts of the room.
And the pin-up in photo 76, is she taking a nap on the fuel tank!? 🙂
30 October 2016, 07:47

Thx for sharing 👍 By the way, I much like the diorama with the Kingfisher aboard the sinking BB. Any information about the builder and scale?
30 October 2016, 11:59

i would say it was 1:48 probably, but i could not be sure. unfortunately i do not have details. i checked in the website of, but i can not find it there at all.
30 October 2016, 15:25

Thanks for sharing your photo's Spanjaard, there are some incredible models amongst them. The sinking ship with the Kingfisher is amazing and that Mig 29 is literally jaw-dropping.
30 October 2016, 15:45

@Holy, guess it is one of the BB's sunk at Pearl Harbour, but I'm not sure which one, maybe BB 44 USS California. Missouri or Wisconsin is not possible, cause they didn't sink😉
Cheers, Christian
30 October 2016, 16:06

The BB's that sunk @ Pearl were :
BB37 Oklahoma (but it turned over)
BB39 Arizona (no she sunk straight dowm)
BB44 California (possible, ship was heeling port while sinking, so seen the set up of the model this is the most likely)
BB48 West Virginia (not, it heeled over against the Tennessee and sunk but the main deck was just below the waterline)
For me it's 99% the California
30 October 2016, 18:45

Nice to see some models again I saw in Nieuwegein. One of those who I missed is the diorama on pictures 17/18. I like it a lot. Do you know the scale?
17 December 2016, 21:56

thanks everybody. Lex, that small wonder was 1/87 scale. A true master piece in my opinion
17 December 2016, 23:03

did you have anything in the contest Lex? because your Revell Arado 196 should be there next year for example 😉
18 December 2016, 10:16

Hmm...something to keep in the back of my head. But thanks for what I see as a big compliment :*-)
19 December 2016, 08:11

go slow then, and enjoy the ride 🙂 and ask in scalemates when in doubt 🙂 lots of people willing to help
17 January 2017, 19:50

Hi spanjaard, I have been there also. Like your last picture with your prey 🙂
18 January 2017, 06:06

ha ha ha, maybe it is for the best that most stalls only accept cash, otherwise, i would have probably got more stuff! 🙂
18 January 2017, 07:10

can someone tell me if there is someone or somekind of lessons or seminars on subjects as weathering, panellining etc?. No problem if there are some costs. I,ve been to a class for beginners but want some info on particular subjects. En graag in nederland 😉
18 January 2017, 18:29

Ed: Youtube is an excellent place to learn new techniques. Just type "scale modelling weathering" into Google videos - and the only thing it will cost you is time.
18 January 2017, 18:44

this site is already of great help, look for what others have done, and check the WIP albums, plenty of information there.
airbrush services Almere gives some training about airbrushing, i did one of 4 hours, about chipping not long ago. quite interesting.
18 January 2017, 18:52
Album info
a few of the models around the floor, and of course some of the winners of the contest.