F-16A Tigermeet 1991 KLu
Photo 1 of 52
2 22 December 2016, 22:07

too cool... i experienced some target-practicing f-16s on römö few years ago. strange to be on the beach with some sharp shootin going on beside you 🙂 strange sound of those machine guns...
23 December 2016, 08:38

Thanks for the interest mates. Added a few pictures of the progress so far. Used a cockpit PE set from Eduard and I must admit it looks better than I had anticipated, not really a PE fan.. The intake of the Hasegawa F-16 is normally a bit of a pain to get it seamless(or sort of). Luckily I have a FOD cover for it just like as can be seen on the pictures of the real aircraft so that is quite nice. I like the Hasegawa F-16 a lot but when making a F-16A you have to check your references carefully since Hasegawa wants you to use unique things for C models or Belgian A's for this Dutch A. Will try to make this F-16A externally accurate as it appeared in 1991. Cockpit and wheelbays are something for future F-16 projects...
28 December 2016, 10:25

The pit Looks awesome! Any idea how to make the tinted canopy? Or wasnt it tinted back in ´91?
28 December 2016, 10:50

The Have Glass mod canopy is supplied in the kit, and a clear one too 👍
28 December 2016, 11:00

Looking really good so far, that Eduard PE in the cockpit does look nice! I will be following along with your progress on this cool subject...
28 December 2016, 14:33

Picture 7: Nice but important detail! All in all: jeugdsentiment! 🙂
30 December 2016, 07:35

Thanks Mates!
Hasegawa wants you to use some parts which are for earlier block F-16s. The cover for the airco exhaust(ECS) which they point out is for block 1-10 aircraft, this one is block 15 so the later type is to be used. Funny enough the later type can be seen on the box cover photo.. Luckily the later type is also in the box.
The panel which covers the ammunition loading system for the 20mm cannon is also for the earlier blocks, 1-5 I believe. In this box only the early type is provided but in F-16C boxes their are two types so I used one from another Hase F-16 from the stash.
1 January 2017, 21:07

Looks great thusfar Erik i, m not a kind of a purist but i love your effort to make your model as genuine as possible, i have several F16 kits in the stash and will buy the cockpit PE for sure it really add something.
9 January 2017, 12:36

Hi Marcel, thanks for your reaction. Yes I said I wanted to make it as accurate as possible but that was maybe a bold statement 😄 But I will do my best 👍. PE does look nice but I am not really a fan of it. Some good detail painting will look good also.
9 January 2017, 15:37

Used a couple of Eduard wheels since the ones in the kit are not correct for this F-16 in 1991. Although they are for the Kinetic F-16 they fit also on the Hasegawa if you adapt the attachment point on the leg a bit. Almost ready to prime, just waiting on a masking set now..
10 January 2017, 22:25

Finally some modelling time today! All primed up and ready for some, grey... 🙂
29 January 2017, 21:35

The Viper's coming along nicely Erik. Good to see you back at the workbench mate! 👍
30 January 2017, 16:29

Basic camouflage painting done.. some how the Tamiya masking affected the paint on the underside. The paint had dried for 3 days and the paint on the front of the fuselage has not been affected and only had dried for 1 day.. so no idea what happend 🙁
5 February 2017, 18:58

That is really odd about the paint issue on the bottom. But your camo looks great Erik!
6 February 2017, 05:21

dat verf dingetje, vette vingers, primer die niet goed gepakt heeft ???
6 February 2017, 08:47

Thanks Michael Bart and Ed. I think it has something to do with the age of the paint or the dillution. The paint should be satin when dry but in this case it has a gloss finish. And, i heard, that tamiya tape can left this marks on gloss finishes like canopies(although i never had it before). A new gloss coat of future should fix it as i heard.. If so, it is a easy fix. Fingers crossed hey😉
6 February 2017, 10:06

Small update guys, sprayed the nose and the front of the inlet and made the tail, fod cover and centerline tank blue. Now it's time for the fading of the tail and tank. I only wonder if I will have to use black or dark blue, i.e. Midnight blue seems to be the best choise I guess.
8 February 2017, 21:48

This is really starting to get good! I can't wait to see your work on the fading. This is the fun part!
8 February 2017, 21:59

Tail got its colours too! Base colour Gunze blue 15, black 2 and overspray with blue 5 to get a more blue/purple/black faded look.
10 February 2017, 13:56

Thanks mates! I can't wait to put the tiger decal on the tail😄
10 February 2017, 21:00

Started decalling today and already halted to prevent a mental breakdown.... Unfortunately the age of the decals, 23 years, made them very brittle and not very responsive on Micro Sol or DACO strong... the decal for the in flight refuelling point transformed itself in 8 pieces but after some work I did manage to made it look like one piece(and it should be placed some mm's more to the front but I'm afraid to touch it again..) and on the registration bits are missing. The tiger decal will never go on properly in this state..
I think I very much need some Microscale Liquid film!!
Or a aftermarket decal set for this Tigermeet Viper but that just does not excist..
Another problem is that on the centerline tank the MicroSol softened the coat of Future.. So a bit of work is needed there
17 February 2017, 22:12

Ordered a bottle of Microscale liquid decal film Patrick, hope it prevents the tearing of the decals...
19 February 2017, 13:02

sometimes you can get somebody to make the decals again for you. some time ago i managed to get the decals of an old ESCI kit long gone, done by a custom decal maker. it is an option.
19 February 2017, 17:03

Well guys, as expected, the tiger decals for the tail did not went on without a fight. Luckily Microscales liquid decal film prevented the decals from tearing but it added a extra film (offcourse) which added some thickness. So the decal need some repairing on some places. Lucky enough Hasegawa offers some extra decals in the box in case the builder did not wanted to paint the tail in blue/black which I can use as donor material. Also the decal softener again affected the coat of Future.. Never had so much trouble with decalling before.. The FOD cover's tiger came from the spares box, looks a bit more yellow than the tiger on the tail but it still looks nice.
26 February 2017, 11:27

decal softerner afecting future? is it micro set/sol? i am starting to use future now, and usually use microset/sol, so if there is a problem in the combination, i would like to know about it..... i did not use them together yet (so far i have only use future on a model, and i am using dry transfers there)
26 February 2017, 22:06

Yes MicroSol and DACO strong. But never had it before Spanjaard. It did not affect every spot where I placed a decal, don't know what went wrong here. The decalling process on this F-16 is giving me headaches... the grey walklines disintegrated also despite a coat of liquid film..
27 February 2017, 06:13

Paintwork looking very nice mate, the decal problem is not so nice though!
These issues really can give you a headache 👎
And then we say we have a relaxing hobby!.......😉
27 February 2017, 17:19

It's driving me insane Kees!! 😄 But finally some luck with decals! Have used walkway decals from another Hase F-16, also 23 years old decals but no tearing/disintegrating here! A bit different colour than they should be but who cares, they do the job. Now some more decal repairing to do and after that sealing the whole girl with another coat of Future and a subtle panel wash.
27 February 2017, 21:37

Fantastic! One would never even know the decal fiasco you encountered on this project, it looks perfect.
14 March 2017, 19:50

Really finished now! Still quite happy with it after all the decal trouble 🙂
16 March 2017, 07:36

You pulled through...all the more reason to be proud of this one! Hij is echt heel mooi geworden!
16 March 2017, 08:42

congratz by finishing this, splendid result and nice recovery from the decals...
16 March 2017, 12:53

Excellent job mate! Even after the decal issue, it resulted in a beautiful Dutch viper! Great stuff!!! 👍👍
16 March 2017, 17:59

paintjob is wonderfull again. besides whatever the topcoat is it's simply looking stunning in the pictures. 👍
16 March 2017, 19:45

Xtracolor Satin varnish Murad, thanks for the nice words Christian and Murad 👍
16 March 2017, 20:02

Even in je collectie rond geneusd, gave Viper Erik mooie tail-art tijdens de Tigermeet in 1991...! 👍
4 October 2018, 21:14