Build....Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1234 Photo 1 of 4Commenti3 January 2017, 21:17EkkiFollowing. 9 January 2017, 18:15Maciej BellosOh man I see the task before me... Too much putty. 13 January 2017, 20:24EkkiGood result. 14 January 2017, 09:40Edwin 010 Autoretnx. i'm not really happy with it, but it is the first jet ever, and with my new airbrush and the second build since a very, very long time! 14 January 2017, 10:31Project infoF/A-18C Hornet Revell4 immagini1:72CompletatoScratchbuiltTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »