Ghibli: Laputa - Castle in the Sky (Dora's Car)
12 August 2017, 23:56

Another little one... this time almost 100% scratch built... can you guess what it is?
12 August 2017, 23:59

it's a pram with that monstrous baby, can't remember the film name though, ah well 🙂
13 August 2017, 00:14

Haha! That would be hilarious! You're thinking of Spirited Away... but nope. Guess again!
13 August 2017, 01:10

is it one of the rail carts from The Wings of Homonese ?
No idea, I'm getting my films muddled up now 😄
13 August 2017, 10:47

Ahah! You figured it out! Yes indeed, this is the Dora Gang's car from Laputa! Added a new pic.
16 August 2017, 00:45
Album info
A tiny little scratch build of the Dora Gang's car from Laputa, Castle in the Sky. This is basically 100% from scratch... including the wheels!