Black Pearl
Photo 1 of 60
38 22 November 2017, 18:51

The first steps on the Black Pearl. It's my first sailing ship, so I hope I'm able to build it.
22 November 2017, 19:02

The dinghy of the Pearl ist almost finished. It was mainly an attempt how to do the weathering on the decks.
16 December 2017, 10:44

Oh i am in here! Na diese Baustelle lasse ich mir auf keinen Fall entgehen!
16 December 2017, 12:14

Thank you mates for your kind words. They will motivating me for the rest oft the Pearl.
17 December 2017, 12:41

And great progress so far, I like the gloomy color choice and finish of the parts you finished so far👍
10 January 2018, 18:38

Thanks Markus and Kees. Here are some new pics which shows the progress on the Pearl. The next steps will be the weathering of the hull and the deck.
28 January 2018, 10:21

Sieht sehr fein aus Stefan! Trotz der dunklen Farbtöne sehr lebendig - Hut ab!
28 January 2018, 12:21

Danke Christian. Die "Lebendigkeit" muss aber noch durch diverse Alterungsmethoden enorm gesteigert werden.
28 January 2018, 14:09

Hallo Stefan, ich bin mal gespannt, wie Du die Takelage hinbekommst.
30 January 2018, 07:44

Thank you Peter and Arne. Ja Arne, da bin ich auch gespannt. Die Pearl ist mein erstes Segelschiff und vor der Takelage habe ich schon gehörigen Respekt.
30 January 2018, 17:21

Kenne das Gefühl. Mir steht sowas mit einer römischen Galeere bevor.
31 January 2018, 07:06

Some progress on the Pearl. The hull and the decks are nearly finished weathered.
17 April 2018, 17:40

The colour is just perfect and the fading even better. Well done so far Stefan.
18 April 2018, 08:06

Many thanks Frank, Gordon, Christian and Peter. The next steps will be to fix the guns on the upper deck and to make the masts.
18 April 2018, 17:21

Stefan, I would like to congratulate to this finish! Great! It just looks right- keep on that great work!
18 April 2018, 17:23

Thank you so much Roland. I hope I will be able to do the rigging. It's my first time.
19 April 2018, 15:35

Top! Sieht echter aus als das Original🙂. Bin gespannt auf Takelage!
19 April 2018, 16:43

Thanks Bernhard. Here are some new pictures of Captain Jack Sparrows Black Pearl.
The hull is nearly finished. The figurehead, the dinghy and the cannons are on their place now. The fit of the parts is very good.
12 June 2018, 22:17

What an impressive appearance of the Black Pearl! I am deeply impressed and inspired by your painting skills!
13 June 2018, 09:21

Thank you very much mates. The next update will show the finished Pearl (if l will be able to do the rigging).
14 June 2018, 15:46

That´s a promise! I am sure you will do it in an impressive way! 🙂 I am looking forward to it.
14 June 2018, 16:01

pff now by your fault this kit is on my wishlist 🙂 will be a pleasure to see yours finished 🙂 do you plan to make a diorama ??
14 June 2018, 19:11

After more than a year of construction I was finally able to finish Captain Jack Sparrows Black Pearl.
@seb H: Buy her, she is worth it.
2 March 2019, 17:44

6 months VERY well spent! Thank you for demonstrating how the Black Pearl should be displayed. One day I might be brave enough to try! Thank you so much for sharing what should now be your pride and joy!!!
2 March 2019, 22:16

Servus Stefan, da möchte ich dir recht herzlich gratulieren! Ein wunderbares Modell und ich habe mir auch fasziniert den Artikel auf durchgelesen...fantastisch!
3 March 2019, 08:10

This is great work Stefan. I've been looking at this kit and wondering how close the Black Pearl might be to the Unicorn from Tintin... so I will study your work in detail. Thanks!
3 March 2019, 08:25

Thank you very much for your praise mates. The Pearl is my first sailing ship. I know she is not perfect, but I am satisfied with the result.
@Christian: Thanks for the addition of the link.
@Peter: Build it! It's not that difficult as I initially thought. The fit of the parts is very good. And the construction was a lot of fun.
3 March 2019, 10:06

Does anyone know if this kit and the "Black Swan" from Zvezda the same basic kit? I imagine they would be, but they're not linked on Scalemates. Seems suspiciously similar and a good back up plan in case Zvezda lots the movie rights.
3 March 2019, 11:25

Yes Greg, you're right. The Black Pearl is based on the Black Swan from Zvezda. I think only the figurehead is different. But Zvezda also offers the Peral for some time now.
And thank you Thomas.
3 March 2019, 12:11

I wish I could afford this kit, had to go for the smaller one though, but I will make it look good, I hope
8 November 2020, 09:56

Boah, very cool Stefan👍 Great atmosphere.. created with the colorwork.. Fantastic.
Will have to watch the first part of the movie immediately🙂
8 November 2020, 12:25

Christopher, I'm sure the Black Pearl will look very good in 1/150 as well.
Thank you Treehugger an Daniel - and enjoy the movie.
8 November 2020, 15:10

Only just seen this. Meandering around mates build albums again! 😉 This is magnificent 👏
17 January 2022, 15:20

Awesome paintjob (not mentioning all these sails and ropes 😉 )
17 January 2022, 18:07

OOB or are there any add-ons? I'm tempted by the cloth sails and wooden deck.
22 January 2022, 16:58

Thank you guys for triggering such positive reactions to this quite old post.
@John Hughes: Almost everything is OOB except for the brass ship's bell and the three lanterns at the stern made of PE parts. I also considered fabric sails, but I can live with plastic ones. I don't think they look that bad and it gives the impression that the Pearl is fully in the wind. I should have added a few figures though.
24 January 2022, 17:02

Pitty that the "fifty shades of grey"-comment was already posted. 🙁 😉. But- nevertheless - impressive variations of grey shades, that bring a lot of life into this build. Great rigging too. All the praise - well deserved.
24 January 2022, 17:09

Stefan: Mars Zombie Pirates parts 1 & 2. The only problem is that you get several identical sprues in each set, so characters are duplicated, unfortunately.
24 January 2022, 18:00

When I seen the price of the kit I could not emagin anyone would build it
Happy to see you had the guts to do it
You have done an amazing job of it
12 March 2022, 15:55

Hi Stefan - nice to see that this gem is popping up regulary and touches modelers over the last years! No Wonder....
13 March 2022, 21:00

Beautiful work! I am going to start this kit next week. I already have the wooden upper deck and the fabric sails. This will also be my first ship. Still in doubt whether to use the fabric or the plastic sails...
3 May 2022, 13:11

Thank you for the nice and motivating comments mates.
Yves I used the plastic sails because they give the impression that the Pearl is fully in the wind - that would be perfect for a diorama. In addition, they can be weathered more easily.
3 May 2022, 18:32