Mirage F1 Tiger Meet Fairford July 1991
Photo 1 of 6
1 8 December 2017, 16:54

Thank you, guys, for your comments! If you like, i have some more tigers!
9 December 2017, 13:25

Wow!! More Tigers?? I could never say no to a Tiger! Please, show all Tigers!
9 December 2017, 18:39

Nice! Love the tiger meet liveries. Made myself a Tigermeet 1991 F-16 once. Great work 👍
9 December 2017, 18:43

Hi Cuajete, it's a long time but i remember humbrol email yellow and black tinted by me, i painted the artwork with a 00000 da vinci brush on clear film i had from my hasegawa b-47, sanded thin. All white numbers, shields and tiger artworks are handpainted, cocardes are from carpena but doubled because not opaque enough... i use Revell air brush varnish from the glass bottle, i had tons of that but i am running out soon, because with sanding and polishing i guzzled that stuff like a LS3 V8 Corvette!!!
14 December 2017, 21:22

Hi Thomas, you did a great job with those means. I congratulate you again. Fantastic!!
15 December 2017, 18:44

Thank you, i will shoot my tiger aardvark if i get some more light....
5 January 2018, 09:02

Moin. Habe ich das richtig verstanden? 12YH und der Tiger sind handgemalt, und der Rest geairbrusht?
15 January 2018, 16:20

Thank you! Yes, on clear decal film, because there were no such decals at that time 1999. I painted a lot in the last century...🙂
15 January 2018, 17:16