R.I.P. Star Wars
25 December 2017, 03:13

Bye Han, Bye Luke, Bye Leia, Bye Snoke, Bye Phasma, Bye Akbar, Kathleen Kennedy... next?
25 December 2017, 03:30

There are only 3 real episodes...all after was shit.
Just remember the scream of Darth Vader at the end of part 3..."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
And after Disney bought the rights on Star Wars it all ended up in a mess...just waiting that some character starts to sing and dance...
25 December 2017, 08:09

Ok, i also agree...the models ARE really better...but the films are ...>censored<
27 December 2017, 15:02

Just comming from cinema...i watched the newest Star Wars episode...and i am a little bit disappointed!
Why? Ok, first, the film is nicely made, first class special effects, but they all look like scenes out of episode 4-6 (real Star Wars Episodes).
Second: The scenes are taken because they are cool, now we mix them up, give them a new outfit (e.g. from Death Star to Cave and Falcon with Tie´s flying through) and we have the new scene...looks good , but we all know it!
Third: We take some new and some old charakters, find a somewhat not-so-logic story and wrap it around the mixed-up-scenes...and we have no clear end so we have to watch the next part!
4th: The story is a little bit unlogic...or do they have timetravelling already??
Conclusion for me: For the next part i will not go to the cinema...i wait till i get somewhere a copy and watch it at home...and i will not pay 13,80 € for this kind of film anymore...and if the next part is shit i will put the copy in the dstbin and forget about it...
Oh, finally: "Rogue One" was much better than this episode...am i pissed on a little bit?? Yeah, maybe!!
29 December 2017, 18:15

Not feeling the new episodes either. Frankly, 4, 5 and Rogue One are the only decent ones.
29 December 2017, 19:29

i have not seen rogue 1, but after seeing the 8... i doubt i will ever see the 9. not in the cinema at least.
29 December 2017, 23:24

13,80€ for this film is mucht too much...that are nearly 200 Austrian Schillings in real currency, and for this price i would have been in doubt to go to the cinema in former times...
And then you see a mixture of old scenes in new clothes, nice and crisp but already known and nothing new...
30 December 2017, 07:13

Stars Wars for me ended with "Return of the Jedi" everything after that is about making as much money as they can out of the name.🙁
30 December 2017, 07:38

Indeed, original trilogy is by far de best. Parts 1, 2 and 3, are acceptable, the rest is pure cow milking
30 December 2017, 10:42

Let´s look how the "Vader-film" will be...but after yesterdays desaster i am not very confident...
I am an old Star Wars fan, but all after the original 3 Parts (Episodes 4-6) is not really Star Wars...Episode 2 for example is a Love-kiss-kiss-film in a foreign universe, the Clone Wars in part 3 are over in 15 minutes, becomming Vader is also over in the last 20 minutes...
The newer films don´t have much to do with the universe George Lucas created...they don´t even fit in the storyline of the original 9 parts by Lucas....
Disney is the new preoducer, they also got a new regisseur...and that made it even worse...
i won´t spend money for this crap anymore...
30 December 2017, 12:09

Obviously 1-3 were trying to get a new younger audience but if the new 7-9 are not for the original 3-6 fans, who are they for?
30 December 2017, 15:10

I think that they planned a real SW-film...and then Disney started to intervene and made a Disney-film with a lot of cute little animals and fun for the younger people that didn´t grow up witrh heroes like Obi Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and all the others...The real SW-nerds are not the crowd they want to attract, they want the younger people, so they made a nice, funny little film out of it...f.ck the few real fans, when there are 10.billions of Non-belivers!
Money makes the world go round! And if they kill the heroes...who cares, if the little animals are not eaten by Chewbacca
30 December 2017, 16:52

After the dark attitude of Rogue one (at least one cold-blooded murder and Vader wading in rebel bodies at the end), or 3.9 as I prefer, I had hopes for 7 but... meh. Kylo Ren isn't a baddie - he just has a very slappable teenager face.
30 December 2017, 19:40

In the documentary, "The People V. George Lucas", someone nailed it for me calling Lucas a "toy maker who makes movies". That became SO apparent to me as soon as I saw the first Ewok. I HATED Jedi! So, for me, Star Wars actually died in 1980.
30 December 2017, 20:14

WOW! it's good to know i'm not alone. If Disney fails to capture a new younger fan base (as i think kids have already lost intrest in Star Wars?) Then it is doomed to fail in the future after paying so much money for the films. I don't see kids looking at the new toys in the shops anytime i go to one, In fact they don't even seem to be moving off the shelves too quickly at all. And if you upset the old school fans you have no one left to watch the movies. It was very interesting to hear what Mark Hamill had to say about the movie.
31 December 2017, 05:00

On Netflix there's a doc called something like, "The Toys That Made Us" and one is about Kenner and the Star Wars toys. If I remember correctly, Hasbro got the toy rights before Phantom Menace, mass produced a bunch of Jar Jar crap and were quite surprised when it didn't sell. Even the children hated Jar Jar.
31 December 2017, 05:48

I left feeling pretty disappointed after I first saw TLJ and it continued to bother me after. I saw it again the other night and it didn't irritate me as much but I still think it's a pretty bad film, very disjointed and doesn't really add any depth to any of the characters new or old. I can understand some of the character arcs they were trying to do but some of it was just stupid, really stupid and most of the film was disrupted with really bad humour or jokes.
It's pretty disappointing because after R1 I was looking forward to a reasonably serious saga film but got served up absolute tripe which makes it all the more frustrating.
I'd put Empire and Rogue One up as my two favourite films followed by A New Hope.
Disney have one more film in the sagas to get me back but I don't hold out much hope.
31 December 2017, 06:54

There's also a good doco on Netflix called "I am your father".
Worth watching.
31 December 2017, 06:55

Yeah - I'm an old fart, pure and simple. There are only the original three Star Wars, and It should have been left that way. All that came later are nothing more than rehash, rehash, rehash.... I despised Jar Jar.....Like I said, I'm an old fart...LOL
5 January 2018, 04:09

If you think you are alone as an old fart...i am with you!! I also say that there are only the original 3 parts, all other was ...something!! And Jar Jar sucks!!!
5 January 2018, 07:47

Jar Jar sucks, but I like Episode II-VII. And I´m an original Star Wars Fanboy, too!
5 January 2018, 09:32
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