SpanjaardExcellent. te ha quedado fabuloso 🙂
20 February 2018, 18:19
EkkiFantastic job!
20 February 2018, 18:55
Stephan RyllVery nice build and paintjob 👍
20 February 2018, 18:56
Paul StubbsWow. I love this subject and amazing work!
20 February 2018, 19:03
CuajeteVery nice. Fantástico. Enhorabuena!
20 February 2018, 19:20
Sergio Silva AutoreThank you! ¡Muchas gracias!
21 February 2018, 10:42
Alexander GrivonevWoah! Fantastic Su-33, can't get enough of these blue camouflage colours! Also great coloration of the exhaust area, not many get it quite right👍
21 February 2018, 16:55
Sven SchönyanPretty cool Flanker! This one is on my bench, too. At least I plan to build it this year so i will more often take a closer look at yours.
21 February 2018, 17:19
RonanVery nice flanker , great paint job 🙂
21 February 2018, 22:00
Sergio Silva AutoreThank you very much! 🙂
1 March 2018, 16:59
Volmir BatistaAMAZING ! I watch the video... nice work !
4 March 2018, 20:14