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Where I am with it


30 March 2018, 12:24
Wilfried Bogaerts
👍 Like it I do !
 30 March 2018, 14:10
Augie Autore
🙂 thanks willy
 30 March 2018, 16:53
Clifford Keesler
Looking good. Another Stealth build?
 9 April 2018, 00:13
Augie Autore
Hehe yes 🙂 over a few months
 9 April 2018, 11:05
John Thomas
Augie, nice work
 9 April 2018, 12:31
Augie Autore
Thanks John 🙂 its a nice older kit.
 9 April 2018, 16:53
Clifford Keesler
I have that one also. I guess here in the near future I shall have to embark on a Harrier marathon. LOL.
 9 April 2018, 22:18
Augie Autore
Well you have a few to build my friend 🙂
 9 April 2018, 22:20
Clifford Keesler
That I do!.
 9 April 2018, 22:22

Album info

So a little under the radar, this one I have been working on a while and thought it was time to post where I am at with it.

6 immagini
1:48 AV-8B Harrier (Monogram 5448)

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