WIP AV-8 Harrier Egg Plane
Photo 1 of 15
1 1 August 2018, 12:26

Just started a new in-between project, a Harrier egg plane from Hasegawa, and thus joining Augies and Cliff's Harrier buddy build, hope this qualifies... Very simple and certainly not one of their best but just for fun. As usual all parts were prepared and the fuel tanks and rocket pods were assembled. The air intake insides were airbrushed with Gunze H305. Fuselage insides were treated with black paint and the Magical Hairy Stick (Augie !! I did it !! 😄 ). Fuselage halves were glued together and sanded flush. Then it was time for the "cockpit". No fuss, just added some seat belts from Tam-Tape and a steering stick from the spares box. All this got some fictious colours, and a decal was added for the instrument panel. That's it for now, see ya'll soon !
1 August 2018, 12:42

Hey willy, try this for paint 😉
1 August 2018, 17:12

Thx Augie! Love the (what I believe) is the green/white camo during an excercise in Norway? If only there was a wingfold for this kit...
1 August 2018, 18:36

I found that 1/72 decals aren't a bad fit for these.
Sea Harrier Egg Plane | Album by Windz (1:Egg)
1 August 2018, 21:07

Hi Gareth, yes that's a great idea! Love your egg, well done (I mean the model 😄 )
2 August 2018, 07:15

Some progress on the Harrier Egg Plane! 6 more pics added. The belly and underside of the wings received a coat of Gunze H332 Light Aircraft Grey. These were masked and the remaining surfaces were treated with Tamiya XF-77 Dark Seagrey. More masking, this time I used Humbrol Maskol, and the green patches came from a pot of Tamiya XF-62 Dark Green. The egg is now ready for detail painting, a layer of varnish and the decals!
13 October 2018, 15:04

1 pic added. Decals are applied. Now some detail painting, a quick wash, a coat of satin varnish, fixing the ordnance, remove the canopy mask, and finished!
3 November 2018, 07:33

I just received this kit as a gif, haven't started this one yet, the que line is long, lol. I'm already thinking about buying a few more and build three at a time, and make a few totally custom designs. You work is well done.
27 March, 00:28