[1/24] Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van 'Egg Girls Summer Paint 2016'
Photo 1 of 26
12 April 2019, 02:51

This is amazing, especially the flawless finish. Which model did you use, how did you achieve the finish and where did you find the cool decals?
12 April 2019, 07:35

Christian// It's "Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van 'Egg Girls Summer Paint 2016'" KIT from HASEGAWA. Decals are include in the Kit. I'm used urethane clear for finishing.
13 April 2019, 06:29

Thank you for the information, I wasn´t aware that Hasegawa has such cool variants of the bully. Guess I will order one or two of these 🙂
13 April 2019, 13:34

Just saw your great collection and immediately ordered one (2016 Edition)😉
9 April 2020, 09:10