Panther G
11 4 July 2019, 22:09

That´s a seriously cozy place inside that Panther 🙂 Looking good, received a healthy portion of love & care, I like the chipping in the Turret interior, right place, right amount 👍
Did they really had the torsion bars open & visible, or is this a kit feature to show more good stuff?
5 July 2019, 07:41

Thanks! I'm not sure I'd do such a complicated model again until I have more experience, though! Haha.
The torsion bars are only really visible when the turret is removed, I think. But the model, I have to say is almost entirely accurate to the real thing. I was building it while following along to a couple of very detailed books on the Panther interior and was constantly surprised at how many little details RFM got right.
5 July 2019, 07:59

Very nice! Just ordered the kit, it's in the weekly sale at Passion 132
29 August 2019, 16:00

I'm not an armor guy but this looks interesting. I didn't see guidance in the instructions on how to cut the outside "skin" to show the inside of the vehicle. Did I miss something? Do you just cut it wherever you see fit? Great weathering of the tank inside and out!
5 May 2023, 20:34

Hi Paul, the kit comes like this. It's possible you have the one which is just normal. This is the one which I used: Panther Ausf. G (Rye Field Model RM-5019, 1:35)
5 May 2023, 21:45