Takom March 1945 Tiger Ausf. B with interior
June 27, 20202
June 27, 20203
June 27, 20204
June 27, 20205
June 27, 20206
June 27, 20207
June 27, 20208
June 27, 20209
June 27, 2020Removed the inaccurate turbine looking fan and replaced it with a part from a Dragon Panther G smart kit10
June 27, 2020Will go with minimal weathering, this represents the last King Tiger that was built and as such it did not travel much or did much11
June 27, 202012
June 27, 2020Hull without the ammo racks13
June 27, 2020The C shaped guard of the coaxial MG was severely undersized, it was filed off and replaced. It should protrude 1.5 mm from the armor face14
June 27, 2020IMPORTANT As they are, the sockets for the 2 tonne crane are in the pre-9th of August 1944 configuration. If you make a replica of a vehicle that was built after this date, said sockets should be carefully cut with a razor saw and moved on the bumps marked by red circles (this is not mentioned in the instructions). If you build a vehicle earlier than 9th of August 1944, the circled bumps must be removed15
June 27, 2020The crane sockets were moved to this new position because, when in place in the old position, the crane prevented the loader's hatch from opening16
April 10, 2022To reflect the fact that in real life the hull roof was made from three (40 mm thick) armor plates, three weld lines must to be added. Errata: instead of 5.3 cm (53 mm) the correct figure is 50.3mm or 5.03 cm measured from the inner edge of the upper front armor plate17
June 27, 2020About to replace the molded-in wire on the gun mantlet with one made from stretched sprue18
July 7, 2020Had to drill a couple of 2 mm holes on the rear face of the gun mantlet. After cleanup hex bolts will be added in said holes. This missing detail is present in similar Hobby Boss and Meng kits19
August 15, 2020The ABYSMAL Takom Ammo racks were replaced with ones from a Meng KT interior set (SPS-037). Test fit shows everything is OK. Now to paint!20
August 27, 2020Fitting the Meng ammo racks to the Takom hull is easy, you just have to shave off the locating tabs for the Takom Ammo racks. To ensure a strong plastic on plastic bond, pieces of Evergreen strip were glued on the underside of the Meng ammo racks21
August 27, 202022
April 10, 2022Hull interior is done23
April 10, 2022The turret basket is from the Meng King Tiger interior set. The parts are vastly superior to their Takom counterparts and they fit on the major Takom parts with minimum modification
April 10, 2022Bottom of the turret is Takom, the detail parts are from Meng.
A remark on the interior paint for the turret - the last ten turrets built by Wegmann had white paint instead of the regular Elfenbein
3 27 June 2020, 17:16

Hope that someone might find this useful. Also if there are mistakes, someone please point them out.
10 July 2020, 18:10